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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. Here are the only 3 variewties of Berry Pinks I know of They belong to Lynn Johnson of the Texas Marble Club. The first is white based glass, the second is blue base glass, and the third is clear. I own the previously posted white base and the following clear based one. I'm still looking for one with a blue base.
  2. I think that same article was printed in the Texas marble Collectors Newsletter and it is excellent.
  3. I withdrew from that board the first week he had it. It's never gotten better.
  4. have fun! I'm going to Tucson and find some contemps like Kevin O'Grady, Rashan Omari Jones, Lewis Wilson, Ben Burton, etc. Boro time!
  5. Berry Pink one inch on the left and another one inch pink on the right.
  6. I remember them, but don't know about archiving. I seem to remember boards going down and info lost.
  7. The thing is that people disagreed, but did not do hurtful, personal ciriticisms. There were no personal attacks among friends, just differences of opinion.
  8. The guy who made marbles was Kelly Schmidt. He's still around on Facebook, but no longer works glass. This was a great board when Alan had it. I'm not complaining about Lou here. People were different then. people were respectful of each other back then or they left the boards. A number of us gathered in a chat room almost nightly and talked sometimes for an hour. All those folks have wandered away. Most got disgusted with the way some of us criticized, belittled and sniped at others. Mostly it was respect. We didn't all agree, but we didn't put others down and name call back then. Those were the good old days.
  9. The marble you were asking about is in the post MK oxblood and copper.
  10. That's the marble the guy was asking about.
  11. I don't think so. I bought those. I remember the one Bob is talking about
  12. Sorry about this, I have some First Edition pics mixed in with Holiday Edition, and vice versa.
  13. These marbles are Sammy's mountain Marbles from Marble Buddys First Edition
  14. Marble Buddys Holiday Edition This pic and the one on the right above are peewees. This marble was named "Nola" for Nola Morgan.
  15. Those eggs are beautiful. I kept mine whereas before all eggs and footballs went into the trash. I also shared eggs and footballs with friends.
  16. You put the base glass in, you add striping glass (Kugler rods) and you never know what you're going to get. Don't you think if anybody could duplicate on purpose, they would have done it for the last 60 years?
  17. Since when did vintage marble factorys use Kugler rods for striping glass? No resemblance.
  18. Dave and Sammy are doing great! Here's the Christmas run - the part that I kept. This Sammy adding striping glass. These are the marbles i bought a poly bag of them, sorted the ones I wanted to keep, and divided the rest between 3 other boxes like this one and sent them to three friends who will love them. I'm going back in March to do the last of the Marble Buddys run that we have already paid for.
  19. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my marble friends. Edna
  20. http://www.32auctions.com/organizations/5949/auctions/6623/auction_items/136802 A little boy was kidnapped in Colorado. This link will take you to an auction. Not sure if you can share this or how with your marble friends, This is for the missing boy in our town, the funds will go to reward or search efforts. I made two for the auction and the head of it decided they would be better served at an online auction. if you could share this with possible bidders and collectors that would be much appreciated. thank you blessings Cheryl. this note is from Cheryl Hamon Jackson. She had made two marbles for the auction. She would very much appreciate some bids.
  21. Mibs, I got my powder blue spiral yesterday. It is exactly right. I've been looking for 5 of those since 1992. The one you sent is # 4. Still lookinbg for one more. I believe they are far more rare than the red ones. I have 20 red ones. Thanks for the marble. Edna
  22. I have some of those jobber boxes. They were sold for Peltier marbles.
  23. yes and no. People who don't know sometimes ID as oxblood. People who do know sometimes ID as oxblood. Depends on knowledge and honesty.
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