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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. These are Joker 1's. They were the first of the investor experimental runs. The Jokers were run May 18, 2008. Investors were Jim King, Ed Parsons, Rick Hall, and Kevin Plummer. Kevin is an old friend that Weldon and I met at the Sistersville Marble Festival, maybe 1993 and Kevin gave me the Joker I's I have. In 2008 JABO Classics: The experimentals, it is documented that only 132,000 marbles were made.
  2. If you have Peltier Mansions I don't have, please post them here. Let us all know the marbles.
  3. I think this is the marble Boyce Lundstrom named "purple Betty"
  4. this is the type of marble that had silver added to the glass
  5. I spent 34 years of my life in education, science teacher 18 years, assistant principal for curriculum and instruction High school 10 years, principal high school 3 years, director of special education 3 years. I still think like an educator. If pictures will help anybody identify JABO experimentals, then I'll post pictures of every run I have. I have a lot of them. I have started with Peltier Mansions because I think they're pretty and they have had the least exposure of any of the marbles. I do not mind if you "steal" my pictures and keep them for reference. Knowledge is power. It was always my philosophy to share knowledge and empower a lot of people.
  6. Well no wonder I don't remember those. I never have seen ultras.
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