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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. The marble is less than 5/8 ths. It looked to me to be a separate white, purple, and dark purple ribbons. I thought it was a 3 colored spiral. The seller thought it was a popeye with 2 colors of purple. I can't see wispy white. Opinions?
  2. When you are responsible for everything, it's difficult to get around and look at what everybody brought for sale. I did get some marbles, but only had time to look at 5 different displays. Here's what I got.
  3. Please post pics from the showroom if you have them. I only got two pics and they were taken by Joseph, my grandson. He got a pic of the winning marble exhibit - vitro 4 colors or more and the prize. Willie Benoit submitted the winning exhibit.
  4. After the guys saw Bonnie make a marble with help, some came to me and said next year can we have the marble makers back? All my life I've wanted to make a marble. The answer is yes we can.
  5. I have no pics of the marble making demos. I know Sheryl Sugita does and she is on the way home and will post pics later. I regret not having a single pic of Kip Maley or Will Menzies. I was out there a while watching, but ..... no camera with me. If anybody else took pics please add to this. My son Gary came Friday to take pics at the awards ceremony. None were taken at the marble making with my camera. I did get outside during the show and got pics of Bonnie McCullough making a marble. She said she had always wanted to make a marble and Cal helped her do just that. Bonnie took her marble home. I told her to show it to Richard and Ronnie and tell them she had bragging rights. She had made a hand made marble. Pics follow of Cal and Bonnie.
  6. The next event at our show was a marble making demo. Part of the demo involved Beri Fox and David McCullough making a marble together with the help of Cal Sugita, Kip Maley, and Will Menzies. I missed all of it. I had another duty. Beri and David made 3 marbles and donated them to the Texas Marble Collector's, Inc. The marbles were auctioned off Saturday and raised $610 for the club. Weldon bought one for me. Each person that bought one got a card signed by the president of the club, Cal, Beri, and David.
  7. Now, there was this one thing planned that I didn't know about. Two years ago I got a new nickname. It was given to me by Steve Sturtz. I have diabetes. Elizabeth suspected that Steve also had it and asked me to check his blood. I did. However, the skin on his fingers is a good bit tougher than mine so it took several tries with the lancet to get a sample of blood. Steve's blood sugar was way high. It took eating correctly for about 3 days to get it into normal range. Steve began to call me "spikey" because I pricked his finger several times. He credits me with saving his life. The bad part of diabetes is that you may not even know you have it. If you catch it soon enough, you can learn to control it with diet and exercise. So...... he keeps finding these railroad spikes to give me as a thank you and he wants the nickname to stick. The first one I got was a real railroad spike and it was presented at a marble show. the second one he brought with him this trip and it's a pen holder. Now for the plan I didn't know about - in pictures. He had Cal Sugita make a glass spike.
  8. We are listening to Howard "Hod" Powell who has just been notified he is in the American Marble Hall of Fame. Howard, I know you read here. Congratulations again and your certificate and marble are on the way to you. Danny, I'm not sure if you ever read here, but yours is on the way too. We are proud of you.
  9. Now, I got out of order and i need to go back. David McCullough was also inducted into the American Marble Hall of Fame. We asked his wife Bonnie to come up with him. Pics follow.
  10. Beri also brought a gift for David McCullough. She brought a MK shirt for him and one for herself in WV University colors. These two are competitors, but they are also friends.
  11. I got the prize. It's the magazine you see Beri holding up. There is an article about Marble King and Beri Fox in it. Quite appropriate for someone who likes marble history
  12. The marbles above are MK beach balls. Beri brought them to give to her audience. She also brought the little plastic bags. Notice the slight difference in the date. The first one 4-30-10 was like every other marble bag except 1 which says 4-30-2010. That bag was the winner of a gift from Beri Fox. My grandson tried to trade with me, but I wouldn't. After all, they will be his someday.
  13. Beri Fox spoke after the awards ceremony and she told of the history of her company and growing up as a child of the man who made marbles. We heard how Roger Howdyshell bought Marble King and learned to veneer marbles to save on expensive colored glass. He spoke to Congress regularly about protecting West Virginia's glass industry. She brought marbles in little plastic bags with a card from MK and she autographed the back of the card.
  14. some of the audience The upper pic shows Cork on the front row and the lower pic front row is Diane Wise and her children Garret and Grace from Arkansas
  15. Beri Fox with her marble and listening to the reading of her award.
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