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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. You JABO 1 inch is one I have - mid 90's to the end of the one inchers. I can't remember when I bought mine, but I'm leaning toward 2000 +
  2. The new JABO's were not made in 5/8 in. The small ones measure in mm.
  3. Galen, please have an open mind on this matter. Remember how many times it has been discovered that the old books were incorrect? Steve would not say this without the evidence from the experts. You might learn something being polite about it. Ask him questions and listen.
  4. I thought it was to be educational. Maybe convince some of us the JABO's were dangerous. Maybe disprove the detractors remarks. I thought it was a great idea to do this. I'd like to see a lot of mimic JABO's and the marble they mimic. (If they indeed exist and they might.) In David's words I think "Bring them on".
  5. Sorry Lou, I couldn't pass this up. I believe David's instructions were to post the offending JABO side by side with the vintage marble it might be mistaken for. Which one of these blue and green corks would be confused with that JABO?
  6. Oh yes! We know how many marbles were run too. But that information is disputed by the "experts" who complain loudly about the harm the marbles are doing and have done. Some of the Sturtz books address the numbers. Sturtz and McCullough do know how many were made in each run, not just the Tributes, but all of them. Want it posted? Maybe someone who really knows would do it if they're not as tired as I am of the negative remarks.
  7. Marbleous1, the Tribute group has made no secret about the marbles they made in 4 different runs. We even named a number of them. I posted pics on this very chat board each time we did another run. No secrets! I did not post the last run because of all the negative comments. I didn't want to hear them. I did however post the pics on the contemporary hand made board. Nobody complained that they were machine mades. They drew no negative remarks. This board might have more pics for those concerned about buying them for vintage if investors could feel comfortable about posting pics here. I have examples of almost every other experimental run made too. I would post pics of them except for the negative reactions generated here. So, what I'm trying to say is -- we have no secrets. If you don't know what they look like, it's not because we're hiding them. It is because we don't like the negativity.
  8. also doing demos at the Texas Show is Kip Maley. Kip teaches marble and bead making at the Dallas Craft Guild.
  9. flower marble and fumed vortex by Calvin Sugita The RAZ, Cal and Sheryl Sugita will be at the Texas Marble Collectors , Inc. show. Cal will be demoing during the show and also on Friday night for the vendors.
  10. Jim, I mailed you a newsletter. It should be there by now.
  11. This is the area outside of the back wall of the showroom. The hotel gave us permission to make marbles here. There are electrical outlets for lights here. A door in the back wall of the showroom opens to this area. it is fire proof and the weather at this time of year should be great for marble making outside. Plenty of ventilation. Cars will not be parked here during our show.
  12. Glad you are coming Jim. Better contact Carroll Collier. Membership dues are $20 for a family membership and they should be mailed to Claudia Buser, Secretary TMC, Inc 333 Comanche Circle Hutto, Tx 78634 To reserve a table Call Carroll Collier 512 751 2945. Tables for members are $25.00 I'll save a newsletter for you.
  13. Connecticutt is forming a marble club and I just expect they will be having a show real soon, in your area.
  14. The site of the marble show, just behind the hotel. The hotel is letting us have a room on the second floor for our meeting with Beri Fox. There is an elevator just in front of the show room so nobody has to climb stairs.
  15. complimentary breakfast served here each morning. The doors at the top left lead out to the conference center where the marble show will be held.
  16. Our show will be held at the Wingate by Wyndham in Round Rock, Texas. For reservations call: 512 341 7000. Room rate is $84. Address is 1209 North IH 35
  17. Berry Pink was a guy. She was named for him. Her father was Roger Howdyshell.
  18. http://www.texasmarblecollectors.com/ Check here for show info and hotel info.
  19. We also have marble makers doing demos. Cal Sugita will be there as well as Kip Maley. We're still waiting to get confirmation from Will Menzies. Our members are very excited to have Beri Fox come and speak to us. Welcome Beri! Edna Eaton
  20. we've never been to this show. What you just posted is why. We are southerners... don't drive in that kind of weather. It always sounds like such a good show, but nearly always has this kind of weather for it. Maybe one year the weather will be freaky and we can make it. edna
  21. I had heard that he was ill. I think Bo told me some time back. After his Iraq tour, he just never made it back to us. I will treasure his marbles. Edna
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