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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. I also know that Jim King donated several boxes of marbles to a marble tournament Cathy Runyan-Svacina was holding. They played with the marbles. Jim was very generous with his marbles. If I remember correctly, it was a last minute request and Jim had to pay overnight shipping costs to get them to the kids in time to be used. Edna
  2. I can't speak for all kids, but I can speak for kids in Waller and others I've given them too. NOte: I have not given rare ones or lutz marbles to the kids. BUT, I have given them great marbles - JABO's. We have a tree in our driveway that has roots that protrude above the soil. I fill the space between the roots with marbles - JABO's, WV swirls we don't need, catseyes, game marbles - chipped Peltiers and Akros - that sort of marble. Kids pass by here on their way to middle school. They are walking and they can see the marbles. They have learned that we put the marbles there for kids to take. When they mostly disappear, we refill the space. There are some adults who regularly visit the marble tree too. This is what it looked like about a month ago. It's time to refill it. The young lady is one of our youth from our church. I always tip them off when we put a new batch out. One little boy told me last week that he had been to the tree and filled 3 bags of marbles. He probably did.
  3. I've taken a break from Texas Marble Show work. I've had time to look at posts that are on down the page. When I found the other thread about Cyclones and cobras I read it. LOL! No wonder you guys were upset that i posted my remarks on the new thread. That's something else we need to keep in mind. Not everybody reads every thread. I know what the CAC cobras look like and If I don't have unlimited time, that's something I skip. Not because I don't like them, or disrespect them, etc., but because I don't own any and I'm not buying any.
  4. And David ---- that is one great marble! Your marble, not my JABO. Hope that was clear enough. Edna
  5. Well, I was too. ( I was answering the use of vintage names for JABO's) I was trying to tell you that the Tribute group agrees that our marbles should not be named for vintage marbles. I agree with you about the cobras. But..... I don't speak for other groups and I don't have the right to tell them what to name their marbles and i don't think you do either. That's my opinion about the name cobra and I think it matches most of yours. I posted the pic of the canary blue blood because I thought if I did not, one of you would say, "But you named one with a vintage name." So I showed a pic and why I named it that to avoid an accusation. I did not intend to hijack the thread. Sorry! Edna By the way, if I post a JABO marble and you post a CAC in my thread to show something you want to clarify - post it. My main reason for being here is to learn.
  6. The people who invest and pay for their marbles have the right to name their marbles whatever they want. The Tribute group has chosed to have new names for 99.9% of their marbles. At our first Tribute run we named 2 a "sort of old name". Marlow Peterson named a marble "bloody bee". I named another "canary blue blood". Canary because the base of the marble is yellow. Blue because there is a blue ribbon and blood because there is an oxblood ribbon. There is no comparison to Akro's bluebloods. Akro laid a blue ribbon and covered it with oxblood for the bluebloods. Here is what our canary blue blood looks like.
  7. I know you had a great birthday, have a great next 2 weeks of show adventures. Edna and Weldon
  8. David, we would love to have you come to the show. It starts with room trading Wednesday April 28-30. On Friday Aprill 30 we have dinner together at 5:30 to 6:45, drive one block back to the hotel and hear Beri Fox at 7:00 and marble making by Cal Sugita, Kip Maley, and Will Menzies at 8:00. The show is on Saturday May 1. During the show Cal and Kip will be making marbles outside of the showroom. The door at the back of the showroom opens to a covered area outside and that's where the marble artists will be. Some other events will take place Friday night at 7:00, that will not be revealed until we do it.
  9. Not only is Beri Fox, owner of Marble King, going to be there and speak BUT she is bringing some marbles she hasn't released. She thinks they're really pretty and everyone at her session will receive one of those marbles. This is a first for her and a first for the Texas Marble Club. Come be a part of it.
  10. Some scholars believe Adam ate a pomegranate.
  11. very nice, bubba. Now you need to watch for a box. Edna
  12. You have a great frog collection
  13. That marble has the aventurine in lines laid down like the Master sunbursts. I could believe it is master.
  14. Orbboy, I've had a chance to unstack my cases and I found the one inch that glows that you asked about. It is not one of the early ones i got in the mid 1990's. It's in a box with marbles I would guess at being 2000 to 2004. Sorry that's about as close as I can get.
  15. Is that your best shot? (sarcasm intended)
  16. No Brian, you don't get it. You brought my name into it. And this post is about JABO. And you are singling me out. And the marble you posted about is a really nice different JABO marble. Count up the other posters who posted about JABO in this thread.
  17. Pat, i know a little about it, very little. LOL! I have a crystal clear flower pot, 5 1/8 inches tall, 5 1/2 inch diameter at the rim from the same place. My pot says "I got potted", Lunt Ave., Marble Club, and a pic of 4 boys playing marbles. I think Bo Stiff knows all about this. He gave me the flower pot. I keep marbles in it. I am trying to remember what Bo told me and I just don't recall it all. It was either a restaurant or a bar. I'll email Bo and see if he will come on here and share. Edna
  18. I jumped stiff legged into the post over "not". I could not see how you missed that word. If you saw it, you could not have understood it. I was pointing out that you read it incorrectly. And you did and still don't see it. What if someone else on this chatboard had called "not" to your attention? Would they have been a recipient of your caustic post? I don't think so. You need to reread that post and get it into your head that the whole thing (Mike's post) was sarcastic humor. As for getting a life, I never said that to you. You said it to me when I objected months ago to what you wrote to me.
  19. Well Brian, I do read Mike's auctions. I do buy from Mike. I have never seen him misrepresent marbles or lie. I know Mikey and his sense of humor. Mikey is poking fun at the detractors like you when he gives those fake numbers. He is striking back at what he considers attacks and by the way when you call a person a liar that's an attack. You have the right to think it. You have the right to not buy. But posting it here on a chatboard when Mikey has not spread lies here is unacceptable. It doesn't compare to our objections of the lies and stories posted here that some of us have fought against. Maybe people who don't know what he is attempting is sarcastic humor directed at the detractors. Maybe he shouldn't do it. Maybe reading comprehension skills are low and some do not understand what he wrote. I read that auction and I saw sarcastic humor.
  20. Barton, I love your humor! I'm sincere in saying that. Well heck, they might even get confused with some of your twenty or more colors handmades. Doesn't that just hurt your pocketbook?
  21. Warnelis knows the real numbers. He was using humor here just like you Brian.
  22. Brian, I thought your post before this one was sarcastic humor. I posted I thought it was hilarious. I concur with what you said too. I know you don't disrespect David. I am the one who invited you and got Steve to invite you to come to our run. I enjoyed your company. After this post I guess I didn't understand at all. You seem to have a problem with me. I don't get it. I never said Dave has no idea of what he is doing. I never said he dumped glass blindly into the machine. So why include my name in your post? David knows glass. He knows modifications to make to the tank and many other fine tuning examples I could list. Glass being picked up alongside the road? We wish. The glass we have invested in is expensive and you of all people know it. David learns from each run and tries to take it a step further the next run. As David learns the patterns get better and better but they don't look vintage except for the one in 120,000. Other folks think that 1 marble is deliberately made? They make nasty remarks about all of us for one accidental occurrence? You are picking a fight saying these things and I don't understand why you want to direct it at me. I'm one of the little people. I'm a small investor and haven't sold any marbles to speak of. They are all right here in my home. I haven't cheated anyone and am not aware of anybody in the Tribute group who has. Certainly not Warnelis. He has been selling JABO's as JABO's for many years. His auction was clearly marked JABO Green brick and he described it accurately in the auction. So what is your beef with me? I can't see a beef with Warnelis either. He's one of the honest guys. If the whole intent of this is to get us to talk about some we know that have been dishonest, look somewhere else for that. There has been enough character assassination over JABO's. First Steve, then me, then David Chamberlain, and now Mike Warnelis. You don't like some of our comments? Well, put yourself in our shoes, on the receiving end of the nastry remarks, particularly the ones impugning our character and see how you like it. See how you react to it. Whenever we fight back and use the tactics of the accusers, we are labeled as the bad guys and impugned even more. Whenever we complain we are labeled as "censoring, can't take criticism, whiners, don't understand constructive criticism, super sensitive, don't have a life, always put down - and then the detractors deny it. It's always our fault. I thought a thread showing the marbles and telling some stories about the runs would help. I thought information would help the folks who don't know JABO. I spent a life time teaching kids, then teachers, and then administrators. I mistakenly thought I could teach JABO marbles. Too many of you have closed minds for me to waste my time taking pics and assembling the info. After over 15 pages of posts on this one and 3 others, I suspect some of you really want the thread, really want to learn, are ready for the JABO information. I also suspect some others want it just so they can rip me and use the info to disrespect the JABO name and people involved in the runs even further. That remark comes from reading the posts of known detractors here. Regardless of the facts I could post here and the pictures, your goal would be to twist whatever I write into what you believe to be the truth. You would make me out to be dishonest and a liar and a whiner just like in previous discussions. So I have to ask myself what's in this for me? The answer is a lot of time and effort. I have to take pics of a load of marbles. I have to write facts and relate happenings and tell about neat things that happened. I have to spend hours at the computer cropping pics, resizing them and uploading them. Then I get to spend more time writing and posting the pics from my photo host. Then what happens? More of the same treatment? Well forget that. I've got better ways to spend my time when the reward is nasty criticism of me, my friends, our marbles. I have a marble show in two weeks that my time would better be spent on. I have interests other than marbles that do not bring all the negativity. I am surrounded by friends and family that have to give up my time if I spend my time on futility tasks. In other words, I have a life beyond marbles and it's a great one. To those of you who expressed the desire to learn, I am deeply sorry to disappoint you. I truly wanted to share the marbles and the info and I thought it might work. I don't see any way to help you learn when the detractors already have their minds made up and their only goal in taking part is to tear down whatever I might post. I am referring to (1) those who say "I heard that......, someone said........, I thought I heard someone say........." and (2) those who want to blame the JABO company and investors for all the dishonest things done with JABO marbles and (3)those who blame others for their own ignorance. If you don't learn JaBO's, ignorance reigns! (And you don't know how bad it hurts me to say that). Again, I'm sorry for thinking I could help you.
  23. It's like Steve said "The prettiest run is the last one made".
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