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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. Beri Fox listening to the reading of the awards for Berry Pink and Roger Howdyshell.
  2. Our new website will include a pic of the person honored, a pic of their paper award and their marble. The section above the signatures describes why the person is deserving of being inducted into the American Marble Hall of Fame. Next pics will be from the actual ceremony.
  3. our logo is on each box top and the year the induction was held is 2010. Thanks to Gary Langley for helping us with the date on the logo.
  4. TMCI will be inducting new American Marble Hall of Fame members each year. The look of the certificates is in the next set of pics.
  5. Beri Fox knew she was coming to accept the awards for her namesake Berry Pink, who had no descendants; and her father Roger Howdyshell. She did not know she was receiving the same award. We had not told her about the Hall of Fame plans until last week. David McCullough did not know either, but his wife had been forewarned. We had planned to call Howard Powell and present the award to him over the telephone and also Dan Grocki. However, Steve had dropped his phone into his coffee cup that morning and we had no numbers. I talk to Howard and Julia regularly so we were able to call Howard. Howard was speechless. Julia knew it was happening and had kept him near the phone. We were not so lucky with Dan. I've never talked on the phone to Dan so I did not have his number. We just read his award to our audience. We called Dan yesterday and read his award over the phone. If you know Dan, you know he is never speechless. Yesterday he was. We caught up with him in Sistersville, West Virginia. He had already been to Reno, Ohio and no one "spilled the beans". I wish we could all have seen Danny's face. Danny and Howard will be receiving their certificates and marbles at the West Virginia marble Collector's Club show this weekend. Sturtz and Farrar are on their way with the awards. The next post shows the boxes. One box is larger than the others because we recycled some boxes I had received contemps in and saved the boxes. They sure came in handy. I decorated each box with the Texas marble Club logo and pictures of the marbles from each side, the front, and the signature. Someone at the show asked me if Dave's marble was larger than the rest. The answer is No! All the marbles are approximately the same size. And David got the large box because I know David well and I knew he would not be upset that his box was different, the three boxes Beri Fox received would match, and the two presented in West Virginia would be the same size. Here they are:
  6. The bottom pontil of each marble is signed "RAZ" and in Japanese the name Sugita. Cal wrote the name of each recipient on their marble and that is shown in the next post.
  7. Hall of Fame Marble # 1 from the side and the front. Each marble has the "yellow rose" of Texas, and Texas stars in the colors of our flag. The marbles are all 1 3/8 inch to 1 1/2 inches in diameter. the next post will show the other 5. They are hand made and while they are basically the same, like all hand made items, each is different.
  8. Big announcement! The Texas Marble Collector's, Inc. has started a new addition to our club. When our new website is up and running you will see it there. We now own a new project called "American Marble Hall of Fame". We inducted the first 6 members Friday night. It was the perfect time to induct them. We had Beri Fox of Marble King and David McCullough of JABO in attendance. We honored the founder of Marble King, Berry Pink; the next owner, Roger Howdyshell; and the present owner Beri Howdyshell Fox. We also inducted David McCullough of JABO. Those last two people are the only remaining marble factories in the United States. We also honored Howard "Hod" Powell of West Virginia and Dan Grocki of Mishawauka, Indiana and the reasons will be stated following this. Calvin Sugita was commissioned to make the trophy marbles. Edna and Weldon furnished the paper goods, and Elizabeth Farrar did the computer work. I'll show the marbles first.
  9. Bobby Newman, Cheryl Sugita, Wanda Jinks I think this is everybody who attended the dinner before we left to get the meeting room ready for a special presentation and Beri Fox. Beri Fox and her boyfriend, Cork; and Cork's daughter came to the dinner after we left. Cheryl may have their pic for this section. We returned to the hotel and got ready for the next event.
  10. unknown, Willie Benoit, Austin, Texas; Jane Armstrong, Helotes, Texas, TMCI Board Member; Jim Garber, San Marcos, Texas
  11. Gary Whittaker, Weldon Eaton, Waller, Texas; Dwayne Hannah - a former student who saw us go into the restaurant, recognized us, and came over to talk.
  12. Barry Anderson and Judith Anderson, Richardson, Texas; Wanda Jinks, Sedalia, Missouri
  13. Jim and Linda Wissler, Enola, Pennsylvania; Jim Storsberg, Murphreesboro, Tennessee
  14. Cal and Sheryl Sugita, Anaheim, California; Bobby Newman
  15. More Friday night dinner pics. Mrs. Storsberg, a guest, David McCullough, Bonnie McCullough, Pennsboro, West Virginia
  16. Phil Antalis, Jane Armstrong, Mr. Landua , Kalli Landua; TMCI Board Member Jacob Byers and dad Dr. Ben Byers Cal Sugita Calvin Griffith, TMCI Board member; Gary Whittaker, Weldon Eaton Greg Hoglin, Belen, New Mexico; Bob Bayer, Matt Sink, and next to Matt someone I don't know Jerry Musick, Hardy, Arkansas; Donnie Van Vranken, Board member TMCI, Edmond, Oklahoma; Jim Musick Bill O'Connor, Rita O'Connor, Stockton, California; Ann Boger, Chicago, Illinois; Raymond and Sherry Anderson, Deer Park, Texas
  17. Friday night dinner was planned. We went to the Sirloin Stockade and a head count showed 44 marble people in attendance. This was the last time I had time to take pics of everybody there.
  18. A totally unplanned dinner together happened Thursday night. A group of us went to dinner at the Salt Lick and we all enjoyed barbeque. No pics were taken by me. There were 23 people in attendance at the dinner. I think Sheryl Sugita got pics of this. Anybody else who was there should feel free to add pics.
  19. Before the show, Sheryl Sugita sat at our marble tree and picked out marbles for her collection. Two times! Many people came for Wednesday room trading. I don't think we have ever had as many. Unfortunately, I did not get pics of everybody. Our Vice President Carroll Collier and his daughter who is our secretary, Claudia Buser, are dealing with serious illness in the family and they were in and out of the show as they could be there. Carroll was our show coordinator. Raymond and Sherry Anderson and I tried to cover our jobs and theirs and we were stretched, but glad to help out Carroll's family. Please keep them in your prayers. I found that I met myself coming and going. I would start out of my room or away from our table and get stopped with a question or task and set off again. A second stop for help or an answer to a question and I'd start out again. A third stop for an answer or help and when I finished helping I would have forgotten my original mission and go back to the room or table and it would start again. So taking pics was more than I could handle. Sheryl Sugita took many pics and will be posting them. Thanks to Cal Sugita, the marble making part of the show was very smooth and organized with no help from me. Elizabeth Farrar was also a big help with tasks that needed to be done. Steve Sturtz and I had done everything we could to get ready before arrival to the hotel and that was a great help. Arriving organized and all the little jobs completed was absolutely essential. Thanks to my son Gary Eaton and grandson Joseph Eaton, I got pics Friday night at the Hall of Fame meeting and Beri Fox session. Pics from the actual showroom I never had a minute to do. Sheryl Sugita got some from the marble making and I think some of the show room. Cal and Sheryl will be back in California some time today and I know Sheryl will share her pics. Here are the few pics I got Wednesday. Neal Williamson; Wimberly, Texas Raymond Anderson; Deer Park, Tex; Treasurer TMCI Ann Boger; Chicago, Illinois Weldon Eaton and Willie Benoit Gary Whitaker; Hutto, Texas Jim Musick - Jim's son Jerry Musick; Hardy, Arkansas; brought him to the show. Jim has not been to a show in a long time. We enjoyed seeing him again and he enjoyed the show. Thanks to Jerry for bringing him and we look forward to seeing him again in October. Bobby Newman, near Ft. Worth, Texas We enjoyed seeing Bobby again. It's been a long time. Bobby stopped collecting, sold his marbles and has begun collecting again. We'll be seeing Bobby again soon. Remember Woody Newman? He's Bobby's brother. New member, Matt Sink; Willie Benoit, Jim Musick Cal Sugita Cal was in charge of the marble making and he had some help that will be talked about later in the post. He is sitting in our room and the marbles you see on the table beside him were sent to us by Josh Mazet. All of them were made by his brother Tym Mazet. They donated a beautiful one to our silent auction. Weldon and I sold some of them for the Mazet's.
  20. In the words of Ed Sullivan "We had a really big show". I finished editing pics tonight. I hope to get them uploaded to my photo host tomorrow and to get started writing. The show was very well attended, lots of activities Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Many thanks to Calvin and Sheryl Sugita, Kip Maley, and Will Menzies for their work. It will be hard to top this one. Thanks also to Josh Mazet who steered Kip and Will our way. We are already planning our October 16th show in Ft. Worth.
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