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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. I can see them. Have you tried right clicking on the red X? That's the extent of my knowledge. Hope others answer you. Edna
  2. I have called it powder blue also, but nobody seemed to recognize that color. Edna
  3. Yes, your top row is baby blue. Edna
  4. You have a baby blue in that pic. Good thing I don't know where you live. LOL And yes, spiral is the proper name for this marble. Edna
  5. These are more unusual. Top row is an oxblood snake, The one on the right is red transparent base glass and a dark red and dark blue cork inside. Bottom row on the left is a clear transparent base glass with a red and a blue snake inside. The middle snake is red transparent glass with a black snake, and the third one is red transparent glass and a red snake inside. I'm still looking for my transparent red glass with oxblood snake. I got it from Dani and Ernie and I think I've put it in a special place so I don't forget it's different. Now if I could just find that special place. LOL Edna
  6. Here are mine. Hard to find red snakes, middle are the turquoise snakes, and the ones hardest of all for me to find are the bottom row, baby blues. Edna
  7. I too think the meaning was transparent clear glass, but I have a red snake in transparent red glass and an oxblood snake in transparent red glass. I think they are rare also. Edna
  8. You have some great marbles! But, you knew that didn't you? Edna
  9. The white based with blue and oxblood ribbons looks akro to me. Perhaps the others are akro, except for the Marble King logo marble? Or, the akro marble is the odd one and all the rest are marble king? Edna
  10. I've heard that the red ones are the hardest to find, but I've managed to find 15 of them and could have had more if I wanted them. The hardest for me have been the baby blue, light blue not the turquoise ones. I'm still trying to get 5 in a row of the baby blues and need two more. Edna
  11. Love that blue and green! Edna
  12. I went to all the places we put them out today. All of the marbles were gone. Time to do it again with some different marbles. Edna
  13. I have visited your site a couple of times and I like the site. I am wondering if you have anyone on your staff who is knowledgeable about marbles so the fakes can be weeded out? Edna
  14. Ken's work is fantastic! That marble is a great remembrance of your father for you and your kids. Edna
  15. Sure looks a lot like it. Maybe one from the same piece of cullet? Edna
  16. Just gorgeous! I knew I didn't need to take pics. Thanks for posting all those pretty marbles. Edna
  17. Leroy, you had a great idea. Since Scott has been so nasty to me on his board I don't take any pleasure in owning his marbles. Mine are going to get scattered next week with JABO's that Joseph and I put out. Edna
  18. some of the pink glass is opalescent. Hope they are interior panel akro. They will be opalescent if that's the case. The larger piece could be a teapot? Edna
  19. Your children's dishes, cup, saucer, tumbler are akro concentric ring pattern. Edna
  20. We had Joseph all this week - 8 years old. Grand Daddy drove Joseph and I to several locations in town to scatter marbles. I think we'll do it again next week. these are last Dance marbles, blue with yellow and oxblood ribbons swirling. Joseph placed a lot of marbles at the little city park. And also at our church play ground We put some out at a local Mexican Restaurant in the front where people could see them. I didn't have the camera when we did those. we plan to leave some in the school playgrounds next week. Edna
  21. I still have the grandson here. Haven't had a chance to take pics of marbles. Others have posted some really good ones so I may beg out of the job. Edna
  22. Felicia, I'll help you out, but it has to be later. I've got the grandson here. he goes home tomorrow and I'll have time to do some pics of CAC flames and Alley flames for you. Edna.
  23. Thanks for posting this. Howard told me that he and Julia were going to do this and it's great to see a write up about it. Howard Powell is a treasure! Edna
  24. I took a silversmithing class a couple of years ago. We started working with copper because of the price of silver. If we messed up the copper it would be OK. We used "gems" the flat marbles for the gem stones, learned to set stones using flat marbles. Edna
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