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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. It's nice to find someone on this board who likes contemps. I started out collecting contemps and akro. Weldon wants me to stop collecting contemps - running out of space, but I can't stop. I still need a Ro Purser and more Vogelpohl and Recko and Sable and O'Grady and ........... Gosh there are some I've just begun to collect. LOL Edna
  2. I do like Gerry's work. I only have 2 and they are neither one of them as gorgeous as yours. Thanks for the pic. I've heard he isn't making marbles any more. Do you know? Edna
  3. corks were the first machine made vintage I collected - bottom row I like a lot corks and white spirals My camera washes out the pumpkin color on some of these. the top row are pumpkin and red Top row are lavender and yellow. all of these are spirals except the middle row (correction, it's the 4th row that is cloudy) that have cloudy glass. Don't know if they have a name other than corkscrew.
  4. Alan, I was looking at your sec0nd pic closely just now (Ro Purser)and noticed "Noble Effort". Now I really am impressed. It's not just a Purser, but also a Marquis. Edna
  5. I am posting a couple of things I've never shown before. this is a painting of an Oklahoma farm family marble game. It was a gift from a dear friend. I got this case for collector golf balls in Missouri. When i first laid eyes on it, I knew it could be a marble case. I took it to Hobby Lobby in Houston and asked the talented lady there to make a picture frame with wood to match, add hinges and a latch and hangers on the back side and I have a wall hanging marble case. These are my favorite hand made contemps. They were made by Robert L. Hamon, West Virginia glass artist, one inch marbles. The last two pics I tried to get close enough that people could see the construction of the marbles, but they're a bit blurry.
  6. Galen you have kept this up so long that it seems to me an honest man would give it up. You have chosen to believe some people who are not honorable. You have chosen to constantly pick on an honorable man. Even gone to the point of making up a story about a dead lady's marbles and deeply hurting her children and husband. You told Pete that he bought stolen marbles from my friend. the fact is that Pete bought those marbles from my friend long before my friend ever met your source JACK. Please go away with this story telling. As time passes and more FACTS are revealed, more and more of your stories are disproved, but you keep it up. You are full of venom and BS. I can't understand why you are so hateful that you have a personal vendetta. It is you who don't know the facts. On top of that, you are focusing the blame for this thread on Griff, Edna, Steph, etc. and YOU are the guilty party. You brought your crap here from another board. No one else did. I had not posted a word about the filthy names I was being called at your precious MKA where you regularly hang out and post. Crawl away! We don't need your type of posts here. Edna
  7. Word! is much better than your other remarks that aren't there anymore. thank you, Dave. Sami, I wonder why you got involved also. They weren't talking about you on that board. You don't strike me as the kind of person that would condone that behavior any more than Griff did. My beef is with what Galen did to a post that was very complimentary to Griff. Galen isn't stupid. Galen knows better. Galen is deliberately trying to mess with this board. He brags on MKA that he'll post and his post will be erased and he'll be banned. His post was uncalled for and his accusations are going to get him into trouble.
  8. Do I see some Gerry Colman's in that pic too?
  9. It's not about Steph. it's about Galen bringing trash over here. It's about Galen making statements, insinuations, accusations. It's about Galen trying to make Griff look like the bad guy, when Griff was standing up to the trashy crowd and their filthy, vile, obnoxious language. It's about Galen not answering questions about who said what, where he got his information, stirring up a stink over here again. We don't need it. We don't need anybody accusing Steph when all she did was point out what a liar Galen is. I for one was in trouble with Galen when I posted a letter for David Chamberlain. I was suspended for that. Galen wrote me tacky PM's. I don't post ever at LOM because of Galen's actions. Why doesn't he post his trash at LOM? Anybody else think Galen has it in for Lou and Sue? Just go over and read at MKA what he posts there. Lou is a dictator, a Hitler? If Galen doesn't say it, he condones it. Lou has tolerated this BS today when he probably shouldn't have. Sue has been called all the filthy female slurs too. Galen needs to share his sources of information about thieves or shut up about it forever. He needs to give all of us the facts instead of his made up stories about "someone" who said or "everybody knows". He always justifies it by saying he's only trying to protect the new people from being cheated. Galen needs to take care of Galen and let the rest of us take care of ourselves. Why haven't you answered any of our questions Galen? First Amendment Rights? Those rights involve being responsible for respecting others rights too. Galen did you ever speak out about the "men" making those slurs against any of us? No you condoned it and then tried to make it look like Griff was the guilty party. You have no excuse for bringing that trash over here.
  10. Man, I am envious of that Ro Purser. I want one. I have wanted one for 7 years and I haven't been to a show he attended. Once I knew he was coming to Phoenix and i saved up my pennies for a Ro Purser. He had a leg infection, I believe and didn't get to come. My money went to Gateson Recko, Filip Vogelpohl, and Josh Sable that year. Edna
  11. Marble King beach balls Marble King Girl Scouts Marble King peacocks Mostly Alley Agate shooters Old Marbles, a couple of them are Navarre's
  12. Marble King Blended Spidermen common CAC and a shooter that I think is Alley, green and white
  13. Eddie Seese Sammy Hogue marble with matching stand Silver oxblood marbles and matching dishes in interior panel large pattern vitro agate peacocks
  14. Cairo Novelty marbles More Cairo JABO Franks Alley - Named for Frank Sellers Two marbles by Calvin Sugita, octopus embellishment outside and an Octopus by Ben Burton Vitro Agate helmet patches
  15. I liked Alans's choice of marbles so I copycatted. I have to admit alan's pics are better than mine though. These used to be Imperials, but somebody figured out that was wrong. They are very old akro even if I don't know their new names.
  16. And some contemps? Sammy Hogue marble painted by Julia Powell
  17. Galen, a friend sent me a copy of what was said about me, Steph, and Carole. We were all called everyone of those words Griff complained about . Griff was complaining about those words being used on us. I don't believe you haven't read that thread. You know exactly what Griff complained about. Edna
  18. As usual you failed Galen to answer the questions. It's the same thing Griff was complaining about. You have no facts, no evidence. You just want to stir up stink. If your statement "I do not make anything up" were true, you would have quoted your source. You would have bragged about what Dave M said to you. Since you won't quote it, it must be another of your lies. Once again you have succeeded in taking a very complimentary thread and making it very ugly. You tried to make Griff look bad by taking his posts complaining about bad behavior and language at MKA out of context and posting it here. What a low blow you attempted. How small you act! On the other hand, you are a giant at ducking questions and wiggling out of your own postings. You made statements and I'm asking you to prove them and Griff asked you to prove them and you can't man up.
  19. Galen posted: When I was at JABO I heard someone ended up with $12,000 in their pocket at the end of one run. That was before a marble was ever sold. At this point Griff told you to name names and produce facts. But you wiggled out by stating the following. And heck maybe everything I was told was just BS. It very well could be, I have no proof of anybody making a penny they shouldn't have, But if my posting gets anyone just a little more of a fair shake in future JABO new run investing it accomplished what I hope for. You accomplished again, defaming someone with no evidence. You made it up. Then Galen, you stated: As I said earlier I have no facts. Just a bunch of stuff folks told me when I was at Jabo. Galen I wonder why you started the thread to begin with if you have no facts, no evidence. You regularly make up stories about people and never name them. Are you really that jealous of that many people? Are you amoral? a liar? insecure? a sociopath? I'm not saying anything bad about you, just asking you a question. One other thing: Galen said "And all I have to go on is what Dave M told me. " Exactly what did Dave M. tell you? We'd all like to hear that. Please quote him directly. Edna
  20. Gary, Griff's post at the vile board was defending women from that word "c" and all the others. He was protesting what people over there were saying - not using those words himself. Galen saw a chance to embarass Griff by bringing it out of context over here. I believe it backfired. Edna
  21. Griff, he cannot discredit you here. Too many people know you and the kind of person you are. I would like to publicly thank you here for standing up for those of us who are being called "c"'s, bit--es, who--es , thieves, cheats, etc. on that vile, disgusting board. Thanks for posting Galen. Everyone needs to see what goes on over there. Why didn't you copy your posts over here? Why not the other vile things said about us? First amendment rights, eh? You have violated everyone's public decency rights. Edna
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