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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. I haven't posted there in months but I'm sure I'm also banned. I hear he is still trashing me, David Mc., Kevin, Steve Sturtz, Lou, Sue, Steph Not a good place to hang out.
  2. $25 and $50???? You are kidding? Or man, I've been out of the loop for popeyes way toooooo long. Edna
  3. thanks Felicia. I remember that now. I do think that's what Steve told me. Edna I'm still looking for my Dark Knights. i think I mixed them in with other Jokers.
  4. These are Tarzan. Below are Tarzan rolled over to their other sides I believe Steve Sturtz named these for someone, but I can't remember who. I'm still looking for my Dark Knights. I can find the bag they came in when Ed Parsons sent them to me. I'm thinking I may have mixed them in a box with other Jokers so it's going to take me a while to find them. Edna
  5. I am wrong about the size of Tarzan . Steve emailed me that it is 5/8th inch. I shouldn't post when I'm not home to have the marbles in my hand. thanks for the correction. Edna
  6. I have both but I'm not home to get them out and take pics. If somebody hasn't done it for you when I get home Sunday night, I'll put up pics. One thing I can tell you is that Tarzan is a peewee and dark knights were made by the Joker group and are 3/4 inch. Edna
  7. Thanks again Duffy. I don't think she is in any of the pics. If you see her let me know. I also notice that I don't have a pic of Sammy Hogue posted. I can't believe I didn't get a pic of him. I remember taking his picture. Sometimes my camera eats pictures I think I took. Edna Here's a previous pic of Sammy Hogue that is one of my favorites. Better pic of Sammy with Dave McCullough Sammy with his brother Hope this makes up for not having his pic at the show. He had a big setup with lots of marbles for sale.
  8. These bags of marbles were sold at the show for fund raisers. I know Nola Morgan worked on these and another WVMCC member did also. Somebody please let me know the name of the other member. Duffy tells me that Tana McCraw was the other member who worked on the marble bags. She is Nola's niece and an important member of the WVMCC. Sample of the marbles in the bag. The club also sold WVMCC t shirts and held a silent auction. The show was successful because they were able to pay their bills and have some money left over for the next years activities. Thank you WVMCC for a great time. Edna
  9. I saw a lot of people taking pics of those receiving awards and gifts. I hope they will post their pics here. Edna
  10. John Ives and Pat Flanagan (flanco) Junior Ice and wife Kurt von Kliest - cabinet maker Weldon and I bought a cherrywood cabinet that holds nearly 4,000 marbles from him. It is hand made and gorgeous. Don't have it yet. A friend in West Virginia is storing it until we can get back to WV with our suburban. It won't fit in a car. This was our most expensive purchase. Kurt does great work. This is Kurt standing by a wall hanging cabinet he made. i think he sold some of this style too. Marble boxes by Kurt von Kliest Kurt and wife live in Pennsylvania Nola Morgan is in the background. She is a Tribute. Unknown dealer to me and Bill Foppiano Bill has never let me forget that I sent Weldon down to look at some akro he had for sale at the Sistersville show some 5 or so years back. Weldon came back with silver dollars. When I asked where the marbles were, he said here and showed me the silver dollars again. I had to go back and pick out marbles. Pat and Patty Flanagan In the background are Howard Powell, president of the WVMCC and Elizabeth Farrar Seated is Walt McKee and the customer is long time JABO collector Anthony Patterson. Howard and Elizabeth are Tributes. Julia Powell and a few of her marbles Junior Ice and wife on Julia's left Julia and Howard Powell are Tributes. Howard hasn't missed one of our runs and Julia only one because she was working at Fenton. Ruby Sellers, secretary of WVMCC Ruby is a Tribute. Dale Simmons and Steve Sturtz showing the marble named for Dale. Steve Pletcher (Duffy) Steve is also a Tribute Steve Sturtz, Elizabeth Farrar Danny Grocki and a man I don't know Danny Grocki is a Tribute. Steve Sturtz and Elizabeth Farrar selling Steve's latest JABO book Sturtz and Patty Flanagan Steve is holding the awards that we gave out later in the show this man had the largest Charles Gibson snakeskin I've ever seen. I'm sorry I don't know his name. Another dealer i don't know. Duffy and Paula think this guys name may be Dave McMahan. My favorite dealer at the show He's from Texas During the show the Tribute group presented some awards. I have no pictures of the people receiving them because i was busy helping to pass them out. In hind sight, I wish someone else had passed them out so I could have capture the appreciative looks on the faces of the honorees. We gave out recognition awards and a marble to each person with a marble named for them that attended the show. Persons who received their named marble and certificate were asked to post a pic of their certificate and marble on this post. I've waited a long time to post so don't know if anyone will. I approached Steve Sturtz about doing a special box of named marbles for people who had been a great help to our group. he liked the idea. David McCullough gave us the wooden collector boxes to contain the marbles and I adapted the boxes to hold a lot of marbles. A week before the show, the project became bigger than I had planned. Steve added to my list of people. I had to make more boxes -paper ones and they held a lot more marbles. We talked about Steve and myself giving the marbles to fill the boxes and that's what happened. However, we had a mixup about who was bringing what and had to ask duffy for a marble or two and some of our Tribute friends helped with another marble that had turned out to be quite rare. In fact, the HOD marble is so rare that Howard didn't have enough to give his family and friends one of his special marbles. I had Howard pick a second marble to be named Hod and I dubbed it "Hod too" This is the box that Dave McCullough let us use. Inside the lid of the box is a collage of many of our Tribute members and an explanation of the reason for the gift. The marbles in the box Each marble in this box is named for someone. The last marble is "Dale". Dale was holding his marble in an earlier pic. The two large yellow marbles are fillers. Everyone got some filler marbles to be replaced by a named marble as that event occurs. On the last row, the fifth marble over - that's Patry's Palette. it's very hard to find, very rare. I hope the folks who got a filler in that spot can find one for their box. These boxes were presented to Dale Simmons, Ronnie Ewers, Richard McKnight, Sammy Hogue, Elizabeth Farrar, and Gary Langley. this is the larger special named marble box lid Inside lid The marbles inside the paper special named marbles box. The last two rows are fillers except for the first two marbles on the next to last row. These boxes were presented to Howard and Julia Powell, Steve Pletcher, David McCullough, Bruce Burkhart, Bill McCaleb, Ron Shepherd, Ruby and Frank Sellers, David Allen Griffie, Bob Byard, Steve Sturtz, and Edna and Weldon Eaton. Thanks for looking. Edna
  11. Bob Byard - vintage marbles. He is one of our Tribute group. Bob Neff does the newsletter for the WVMCC. He's also one of our Tributes Diane Brandstetter looking at the Julia Powell marbles she purchased. This is my friend Julia Powell. Chuck and Diane Brandstetter. I think I bought the peacock marble from them and several tigereyes. I bought the rest of the vitros I found while in Sturtz's room. Zigafoose came in and offered marbles for sale and I grabbed up opals, a parrot, some tigereyes. Chuck Brandstetter Dale Simmons and wife. Dale is always at the Tribute runs and has saved us a lot of glass and marbles. He has a great eye. Danny Grocki and an unknown to me customer The elusive Ron Shepherd can be see over the right shoulder of of Danny Grocki and between Danny and the unidentified customer you can see Frank Sellers. Ron and Frank are Tributes. Diane and Chuck were at the table next to ours and I finally got her looking at the camera so we can see her face. This is Eddie Seese Seese marbles More Seese Bobbi Seese marbles - I bought one of these More Bobbi Seese Edna and Weldon Eaton - We did not bring any marbles to sell. We brought boxes for Tributes and our keeper Tribute boxes to show. Ed Parsons - tops made from joker cullet by Andy Davis Ed joined the Tributes for their Friendship run. David Allen Griffie Griff is also a Tribute Brian Ice and son at Griff's table. You probably know Brian as akrogather John Duck and a dealer I don't know. Feel free to let me know who these other two guys are. The one in the baseball cap has a wife who works at Marble King, but i don't know his name. John Duck and George Arman. Thanks to Duffy for the name of the guy in the Pirates shirt. John Ives
  12. The WVMCC Show was great. It's always nice to see their members again -some of whom are dear friends. The show honored David Mccullough and JABO this year and the Tribute group pitched in and helped do that. I usually show pics of people first, but this time I have decided to show the marbles I added to our collection first. So, I'm starting with marbles. Weldon and I stayed in Parkersburg. There was no room in the inn. It wasn't really too far away and we could drive to Reno or Vienna quite easily. We started by going out to Reno and visiting with David McCullough. He had been given the job of selling some Alley Agate marbles for a friend and we bought a box. Here is the box. David used a Jabo Classic Experimental box and filled it with Alley Agate marbles. he signed it and noted that it was Alley Agate. I guess I should have left the box as David filled it, BUT I had brought our Alley Agate collection or most of it with us and I switched some I believed to be prettier into the box, so the box is not exactly the way David sold it. I didn't have this box with me or some of them would probably be in the one we bought from David. all of these Alley Agates are made with UV glass Someday, we'll have to start an Alley Agate post and I'll show the rest of the collection. One of my favorite West Virginia citizens is Julia Powell. I have a lot of her art work. Julia paints on marbles by Sammy Hogue. This one is near 3 inches. it's a bass marble signed by both Sammy Hogue and Julia Powell. This fisherman has caught a large bass. Front side of the bass marble Another of my favorites is Sammy Hogue. The marble stand matches the marble. This is one of Ed Parson's Joker Encore Run boxes. It's autographed by David McCullough. Ed delivered our box to the West Virginia show. We bought this box of encore marbles. My favorites are the floaters. This is another box delivered to us by Ed Parsons. Many of them have goldstone and/or oxblood, really pretty marbles. And who doesn't like Eddie Seese marbles? I love his use of color. Really nice to see Eddie again. I also bought a Bobbi Seese marble and will show her work later. We bought a lot of vintage at this show also. This one used to be called a Peltier Multicolored Swirl. That's the name I still use. It is larger than an inch. I bought a lot of vitro - some opals, lots of tigereyes, couple of parrots, etc. Peacocks are one of my favorite Vitro Agate marbles. Some of them have as many as 7 colors. I have shown this box before, but it had a marble in it that didn't belong. I found the last peacock at this show. Now I'll talk more about the show. the club held it's business meeting on Friday night. They honored David McCullough. There was a cake and the presentation of a marble painted by Julia Powell. She had painted the JABO factory on the marble and a likeness of David. I didn't get a pic, but maybe someone did and they'll add it to the post.
  13. The only ones I've used recently are the 3 Jabo books by Sturtz. I'd like a new contemporary hand made book. The new artists are not included in any of my older books. My answer was not exactly correct. I've been looking up info on Alley Agate in the AMMM book and I've also looked through the vitro book recently. I haven't bought any marbles other than contemporary hand mades in a long time and just recently started adding to my Vitro Agate and Alley Agate collection. Edna
  14. Doesn't that make you wonder when you lost that bag? Or if you didn't lose it, whose was it? Or how long has that been under there? What a nice surprise to find it. I'm looking for some I lost about 6 months ago and I've looked everywhere. I'm beginning to think they went in the trash. That's been known to happen to me before. Edna
  15. Cute kid! Can't believe you're old enough to have grandchildren. Aren't they great? Thanks for all the help at WVMCC show. Edna
  16. I read what interests me and skip things that don't. I enjoyed the ballast thread. No need for all the negativity. Again, (for the 100th time - not really, just trying to be funny) if it irritates you or you have no interest -DON'T READ! We're all tired of the negativity. Edna
  17. I'm going to agree that this marble is from a piece of cullet. I know folks that do this and make very pretty marbles from cullet. Edna
  18. The two tiger striped kitties are precious. Edna
  19. Hardcore is on a tan base with heavy green mica and purple oxblood.
  20. This is Katie, the kitty I raised from 3 weeks old. She loved me so much that she obsessed and ripped open my arms or ankles when she wasn't getting all my attention. She attacked when I talked on the phone, worked on marble boxes, read, paid attention to Weldon, etc. she was a heartache. When she attacked me in Feb. on the back of the hand and later on the ankle, I knew Weldon was right. Katie had to go. My choice was a new owner or have her euthanized. i searched for 2 weeks for a new owner and a friend at church found one. Katie never bit anyone but me. she now lives with 2 men, a father and son, and she has adapted and is not biting anybody. the move was good for her and excellent for me. I grieved over giving her up for over a month. I had asked the new owner to let me know how she was doing. I didn't hear for 4 1/2 weeks. The news was good and I began to get over her. The next day I had a call from our vets office. They had a kitty for me. this is Miss Bronson. She is the same age as Katie and half her size, full grown. She has taught me what cats should be like. She doesn't bite or scratch. When she plays and swats, her claws are in. She's the most loving cat I've ever known. (I haven't known many, always was a dog person) the horse vet gave her to me, saying she needed more attention. There were 3 cats, 3 dogs, horses, and chickens at her old house. She never got enough attention because 2 of the cats were diabetic and the other one had a mangled jaw and had to be fed soft food by hand. It was another case of best for the cat and best for me. She's a real love.
  21. That's Phillip Garfield Artlhur with me. He was one of the honorees. He received a marble named for him, a certificate signed by David McCullough, and a box of Last Dance marbles that included 7 of the marble named for him, marbles named for Col. John Charles Woolschlager, Col. Arnold D. (Bull) Simons, and David McCullough. All 4 men served with the US Army Special Forces. Edna
  22. Brian's last pic is Chuck Brandstetter. I finally got to meet Chuck and Diane. Edna
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