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Everything posted by FIRE81

  1. I see 2 seams on every marble. The first one is the only one I have doubts about. The first pic.....pic on the left : At 11:00 there is a sharp "cut" that is at the end of the WHITE SWIRL.... and just above that the is a small patch of RED. I'm not sure if the White Swirl just "dives" into the marble..........or STOPS.......... RAR.....................
  2. Right on ROGER !!!!!!!!!!! Send that one to the ARCHIVES PLEASE !!!! That was one of the best " break down " on marble I.D. I've read in along time. I gotta did out my Handmades now .............thanx Roger !!!! RAR..........................
  3. Dat' was ME.................. RAR...............soon to be WRONG !!!!!!!!!!! To damn hard for me.........unless I have them in HAND and you had to use the GREEN ones..........the hardest of all.........for my Pelt Pea Brain.....................
  4. FIRE81

    CA cullet

    What I find interesting and have been waiting to see....are same run marbles. There "appears to be at least 2 examples in Bob's Pic that finally show this. There are 2 Pink/White and Light Green......that seem "same run'ish" 2 DarkGreen Base with Red and Yellow Swirl/Ribbons....... CULLET and REJECTS : If.......(IF) these were the LAST RUN of CAC's the reason there may be NO CULLET or REJECTS is that all of this material was simply tossed back into the FURNACE...................and then........"SHUT'ER DOWN "................. It just seems to weird that these would be buried instead of boxed up and put in "moth balls" somewhere........ RAR...................
  5. FIRE81

    CA cullet

    Galen you hit it right on the head. Since these marbles have such a "interesting" storyline....and it's filled with all the elements of a great mystery novel and suspense movie.............I don't see it ever being something that get's totally resolved. So.........maybe it shouldn't. I had posted that if an end to all the contervesy truely wants to be put to rest...then a it would take a HUGE INVESTIGATION. That's not going to happen. After I thought about it......it's actaully benificial in a very weird way that these do exist. It's always going to be intersting to hear about the bits of information linked to these marble come to light every now and then. To bad it wasn't a plot against a HUGE money sucking Corperation where "WE" the Marble Community could ALL benifit from. One that would allow ALL of US to kick back and laugh our ass off as we sit on 6 figure savings accounts. Or we've buried our 6 figures in the backyard and can dip into it at our own leisure! RAR............
  6. FIRE81

    CA cullet

    GEEEEEEEEEEEEZE US JEFF................. There are only a FEW people who KNOW the true characteristics of these CAC Exotics ( including you )..........But you refuse to share this information. WELL AREN'T YOU SPECIAL !!!!!!!!!!!!! NAH...NAH NAH....NAH....NAH !!!!!!!! Thanks for your response..........you kinda put yourself in a very precarious position. Someone or some people might see what it TAKES to make you TALK ! Think about what you just said ( typed ) WHOA DUDE.............ALOHA........... RAR
  7. FIRE81

    CA cullet

    O.K.............I have read and re-read the information and opinions that are addressing the CAC Exotics. Simple " Marble Logic " is where my response is coming from. 1. The CAC Exotic is a machine made marble. 2. There should be "features" that would establish an " Exotic " Run. 3. If enough EXOTICS can be brought forth and gathered at one location. I would think there should be "enough" of these marbles to start linking them to particular RUNS !!!! 4. This would take a great amount of effort and CONTROL. But with this marble....... being the " MOST DISTPUTED " marble in the Marble Community.......I would think "NOW" is the time. 5. Or........is there a better time ???? Not really...........!!!! 6. I can't think of any other "MARBLE" that has been lurking in the "SHADOWS" and has this "UNKNOWN" ever revolving history, lack of provance ( circulation, boxes....etc.) and interest. 7. Examples.........High End NLR PELTS ( pretty secure).............. Pop-Eye Hybrids (pretty secure)................. Sparkles.........always in debate.....but not in question of "REAL" ! My question.........which will hit every nerve, mind set and wallet......... Is........How important is it to the Marble Community to "Catalog" this "MARBLE" as an authentic CAC Marble ???? I guess when it comes down to what scares people and has them looking over their shoulder.........is the TRUTH. Both Buyer and Seller ! AND........ the " MAKER ". RIGHT ? HUH........talk is "CHEAP".........but these " MARBLES " aren't ! RAR............Serpants CAN'T leap TALL BUILDINGS IN A SINGLE BOUND !
  8. FIRE81


    David ? You think/know those are Sparklers ??? I'm curious because of the U.K. provance ??? And I don't know DIDDLE-DOO-DOO about these..........UNLESS !!!!!!! I have them in hand and can "FEEL" the surface.....Smooth vs. Seedy or rough.....RUFF !!!! HELP..............!!!! RAR...................
  9. Too KOOL !!! Thanx Charles......!!! Your friend has taken the time to shed some light on this as well. Skeptic turned into a BELIEVER !!!! Another humbling experience !!! And...another great chapter in the Peltier History !!! RAR
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