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Everything posted by FIRE81

  1. I thought I'llhavethat1's green/yellow and black PP was the infamous "Elvis PP" RAR
  2. FIRE81

    Holy Crap!

    Yes.....it is a TRIPLE (IMHO) Unless someone see's something different. Here's a Rainbo that is the same size and the construction is very similair. Sue...I hope you can SEE and FIND the irony in way I'm about to say ! Galen just SMASHED the LAST KNOWN SUBERBOY ! Why are you hoping it was a VACOR ??? It was JUST a Red,Yellow and Blue MARBLE......Kevin Spacey just happened to own that one. He use to ALWAYS keep it in one of his pockets when he was "On-Set" ! Guess he lost it when they were shooting American Beauty. Some say he's NEVER BEEN THE SAME....Galen won't fess up and tell me how he GOT IT....TYPICAL GALEN...as always ! RAR.........
  3. FIRE81

    Holy Crap!

  4. FIRE81

    Holy Crap!

    I find this totally IRONIC ! If marble I.D.'s aren't taken SERIOUSLY. Then why would anyone post a marble and ask what IS IT....???? Sure there's a LIST....curious....excited....is it RARE or HTF.........is it WORTH ANYTHING.......etc. There are also posts of very FINE EXAMPLES OF IDENTIFIED MARBLES ! I'm VERY INTERESTED in marble I.D.'s !!! I find it VERY INTRIGUING and CHALLENGING ! It's NEVER ENDING....and one of the great MYSTERIES that keeps my INTEREST "LEVEL" HIGH ! To question my level of SERIOUSNESS and try to profile ME as one who NEEDS a Black and White ...Cut and Dried I.D. is ABSURD. Obviously this isn't "ANY GIVEN DAY" AMEN ???.......give me a BREAK ! RAR..........the BUYER of the $100.00 JIM DAVIS MARBLE ...that helped save Avatar "BOB'S'...LIFE !!!!
  5. FIRE81

    Holy Crap!

    LOL...........Yeah I thought that's why Pelt Collectors named most of the marbles. But why am I still confused ???? Well......it's because I collect Pelts. And yes it is obvious why there is an EMBEDDED I.D. such as the Superboy. And......it'll ALWAYS survive simply because of it's Color/Combo. I think it's fair to say that as Collectors we would want the most sought after marble of any type that was made. If the ALMOST SUPERMAN can't or isn't COLORFUL ENOUGH. Then it has to take the "Back Seat" to the the REAL SUPER HERO. And instead of a $1,200 Superman........some may be lucky enough to own a $45.00 Superman that BARELY MADE IT OUTTA "THE PHONE BOTHE...CAN'T JUMP OVER TALL BUILDINGS...but can sure "HURDLE THOSE FIRE HYDRANTS AND MAILBOXES" I wonder if Scott now owns a $1,200.00 Superboy.........??? I doubt it........ :Cool_049: Where was Clark Kent during this AUCTION....???? RAR.......Yeah..I know...just some more of Rick's PELT BABBLE.....oh well !
  6. FIRE81

    Holy Crap!

    So.....you take the "LOW ROAD" when ya LIST what SOME may consider is a 'WEAK" Superman......and list it as a Superboy.....??? A "MODEST" listing to avoid any MONETARY discrepancies...???? But in OUR/YOUR/MY Collection...they are ALL SUPERMEN ? "As Collectors, we can get away with alot" YEOW ! Scoop........isn't that kind of a dangerous ????? I think this I.D. is just as important as the "Is it a Pop-Eye ?" "ONLY IF IT HAS THE WISPY WHITE AND CLEAR GLASS" ......................plus the OTHER 2 colors....................... Instead of any of these questions being answered for my own benefit. What answers and information would "ANY OF YOU" provide for a NEWBIE here on this Topic and I.D. ????? RAR
  7. Thanx Galen ! I always wondered what caused that "Bubbley Ghost Spiral" ! Mechanical Question: Did this ROD...push the Clear Baseglass into the Cup ? If so...when the ROD would retract....the BUBBLES are the signature of the "VORTEX" caused by this "ACTION"...??? The CUP would CLOSE....(bubbles in the baseglass)....Cup would SPIN....the bubbles where simply TRAPPED in the MATRIX of the marble.....and just "WENT FOR THE RIDE" in there ? Or....the ROD pushed the SINGLE COLOR....(same reaction) I'm just not gonna type MY entire THEORY/QUESTION over again. Scott........you don't think the LASHES were cause by a hasty sharpening of the cutters that left BURRS on the cutters ???? The burrs wear off after a certain amount of time elapsed...and the LASHES diminish ??? That was kinda of "IN YOUR FACE".....Scott...!!! SORRY......!!! Do you have another explanation or some insight that would explain why the LASHES are only found on Akros ????? I'm goin' there.....what other Machine-Made Marbles have "The Lashes" ? Last Question: Anyone got any LAVENDAR CORKS ON CLEAR BASEGLASS ? RAR
  8. FIRE81

    Holy Crap!

    I've never been able to keep these 2 I.D.'s "STRAIGHT" The "DEBATES" seem to always evolve around a couple of TRAITS. It's either the Baseglass isn't the "RIGHT" BLUE...to be a Superman. Or the lack of an ESTABLISHED YELLOW and/or ORANGE....cancels out the Superman. * The RED is a "GIVEN" Meaning it has to have Red/Yellow and Orange....to be a Superman. So....would it be "FAIR" and do I dare say "CORRENT".... It's either a Spiderman.......Blue baseglass.....Red and Dark Blue Ribbons. And there's no GAP....add Yellow OR Orange.......Superman ???? RAR
  9. Yes you are "HIP" Lloyd ! I kinda had a HUNCH if anyone had a LEFTY... WELL.......it'd be you !!! Thanx for share'n the pics !!! KEWL............... RAR
  10. I'd like to thank MIKE CLOSE again for helping me put my GRANDMA'S HAND-MADE COLLECTION back TOGETHER !!!! Since I had made a BIG MISTAKE. My MOM happened to notice that a little "GEM" was MISSING from THE COLLECTION OF MY GRANDMAMOTHER'S MARBLES...THAT MY MOM gave me about 20ish years ago.... Rick(y)......where's the little "ORANGEY ONE WITH GLITTER IN IT ? .............UH...............uh-oh....... I had made the MISTAKE of having this seperate from the group and Mike and I had done a trade. I DID PANIC...but gotta hold of Mike about 2-3 years later after we did our trade. *Parents were visiting now* I asked if by CHANCE he still had this little "Orangey Marble with Glitter in it ?" To my relief...HE DID......I told him what I had done....and he graciously helped me UNDO my (NEWBIE/ STUPID/BLUNDER) My MOM found out LATER.....that I HAD FOUND THE MARBLE I HAD .....UUUHHHMMMMMMMMM.....MISPLACED ! :glare: This is my Grandma's Collection of nice 9/16ths and Smaller Hand-Mades ! She just turned 90 this last April. They are NOW SAFE AND SOUND ON THE MANTLE OF MY FIRE PLACE ! So.......these are MY FAVORITE...WELL TRAVELED and CHERISHED MARBLES ! THANX AGAIN MIKE......... RAR.......these are ALSO my " MOST INTERSTING HAND-MADE MARBLES "
  11. Sorry Roger ! I simply meant MINE...the only one I own. It's LIKE the one you posted in the first pic. I got it when I was a KID ! RAR
  12. Obviously NOT MINE !!!!! Wish it was RAR
  13. They just added those after I saw the auction. I checked ALL feedback. I truely just see way too many TORCH made TRAITS. Looked too MESSY to be Machine-Made....COLORS don't REALLY look like CACs and the Baseglass...??? PLUS......i've seen better MIMICS. Am still looking for the Blue Ray pic I have in a FOLDER ! RAR........will easily "EAT CROW" here if I'm wrong !
  14. I just think it's a Contemporay. Bubbles...wrong colors...just looks like it's New Glass. RAR
  15. This is just a bit " OFF THE GRID " NO.........????? http://cgi.ebay.com/Marbles-Large-Mint-Chr...1QQcmdZViewItem $$$$$$$cary !!!! RAR
  16. It's a simple "INTEREST" in the Old Hand-Mades. I look and do look for the type that would have been made by a Left Handed Marble Maker. They would have simply been working from the OTHER side of the Glory Hole. The pattern would turn/spin Counter-Clock-Wise. Am curious if anyone has one...I don't. A side by side pic of a Lefty and a Righty would be of interest to me. RAR
  17. Thanx Roger ! The second example.... I would have never know. :Sad_headshake_tweetz: Pop Quiz...I would have said M.K. or Vitro Time to sort my Red/White 2 Seamers. Might have to find this case. Third Row down...????? Am lucky enough to have had and still do have the first CAC AA you posted from my Original Collection. As said above...great work...excellent info ! RAR
  18. GALEN................................ UH.................Pelt K&M up there at 1:00 - 12:00........?????
  20. :glare: RAR...."Batter Up..............!!! "
  21. NO DOUBT.......................WOW ISSSSSSSS$$$$$$$$$$$$ RIGHT ! I think you have some HTF Hand-Mades there (IMHO) Ya might wanna change the TOPIC of this thread to: ATTENTION HAND-MADE MARBLE LOVERS !!!! (IMHO) RAR...........
  22. UH..........trying to change a burnt out LIGHTBULB IN THE DARK Sorry....I just couldn't resist or restrain myself !!!!!!!!!! RAR...........
  23. I'm with ya on this one John. I think we had a PM goin' a few years ago about that LINE-UP you posted. I'll keep it short. When I sort and resort my Pelts..... I always find myself grouping those(yours) type together. The GLASS/COLOR just seem to always "STAND OUT " or one could say.... " They just look DIFFERENT " ( IMHKOMOMOO ).... RAR.......................
  24. I paint Contemorary Abstract..........4x5 footers. Silversmithing might my CRAMP my style. Brad.........ALLL the pieces and cullet in the pics are from Ottawa Illinois. The single SHOT is the same marble with the pieces of cullet. The Light Coral....has what I call the " Dull Cutter Pull ' in the pattern. And " IN HAND" one can see it was machine made. Some pretty WILD stuff........!!! I WISH alot of those PIECES had survived and hadn't split. I just feel lucky having this stuff......because it does show some of the Color Combos that Pelt was trying to use to produce different NLRs. Seems like I find a little piece I've overlooked anytime I open up the box with all the pieces in it. RAR
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