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Everything posted by FIRE81

  1. GUY I hope you found PEACE and REST EASY. It's sad to here he has left us !!! He was and had been one of the few Collectors I had the chance to meet. We had a blast a some good laughs ! I'll never never forget him and will miss him. Trade'n with Guy and hear'n him say " ARE 'YA HAPPY ????? " A WARM AND CARING MAN WITH A BIG HEART ! RAR
  2. I hope he can pull through this. I know he's been working pretty hard trying to help Denise get certified and trained as an EMT and or a Paramedic. Hopes and Prayers ! RAR
  3. I have one that is CLOSE to this one. I sent this to Leroy 5 years ago. It was in aweful shape. Totally infested with FLEAS. He got a few turns in it and called me. Told me there is no way he would take it any further. This one HAS been DUBBED as a very EARLY CORK by a FEW VERY GOOD EYES that have seen this one in hand. It's a 1 inch Amber Base....2 floating Ribbons. One is White....the Other is Cream colored. The Ribbons run side by side around the middle of the marble and then cross each other. At that POINT... One ribbon runs up to ONE POLE (?)....the other runs down to the OTHER POLE....lotta words for crappy pics. Wish I could DIG my CAMERA out from whatever it's under right NOW !!! RAR
  4. TOO COOL !! I think Mistified's is a MEAN A$$ ROOSTER !!!! I got this one just because it looked like some kinda " UnderWater " FREAK ! It's got that " EVIL EYE " thing goin' up on the right side of what I'm call'em it's head. It's blow'n BUBBLES outta the SNORKLE....I GUESS RAR
  5. I think PatryD.............!!! Should be " PATRYDUN'IT'AGAIN ".....!!!! RAR.......
  6. Just keep'em come'n PATRY !!! I'm always looking forward to what kinda " NEVER SEEN BEFORE " marble you post next !!! Once again......thanx for posting the PIC !!! RAR
  7. I think ya got a JABO there. RAR
  8. I'm gonna PUKE if I see another " EGGHEAD " BOGUS DESCRIPTION CREEP IN TO THE CONDITION OF MARBLES ON THE BAY !!!! Not that " ORANGE PEEL " is a NEW TERM. But.....!!! " These marbles were found in an old ATTIC " " These marbles have an " ORANGE PEEL " surface on one side " " The other side is SMOOTH because of " POCKET WEAR " UH.........the INSIDE or the OUTSIDE........??? And who in the hell went up into the ATTIC to emptied their FRICK'N POCKETS in the first place ????? What if ALL of US collected the SAME TYPE OF MARBLES ???? OH BOY............what a treat that would be.........!!!!! I'm just bummed because David's AKRO didn't generate more information about the color combos... different sizes.....Akros that are of this " TYPE "...etc !!! RAR.........." Put the LIME in the COCONUT.....SHAKE IT ALL UP "
  9. RAR..........." PELT JUNKY "........LUV 'DA "MUD" TOO !!!!
  10. FIRE81

    A few pelts

    ..............." NOTH'N SPECIAL "............. DANG JAY...........your KILL'N ME HERE !!!! Ya almost got ALL the FLAVORS on one FROG !!! Nice SCORE........Cool Pics !!!! RAR
  11. Thanks Dustin !!! Just was sure where it FIT into all of the SLAG CATAGORIES !!! At this point it's a " HAND-HELD SLAG " ! RAR
  12. The LARGEST sized slags in there are the White & Blue Akro's. The 1(Clear) Akros is 7/8ths. The One with the little " GRIT".... It's the largest....can't stretch it to 1 inch. The Largest RED is a 1 and 1/2incher........ Only 3/4 and those are Akro as well. Sorry........couldn't pass on the elusive 1 inch RED SLAG. Any Ideas on the Funky Olive Drab with the Lavender Swirl ???? RAR
  13. 9er's and all the REST ! MFC............????? I had to enhance this one. The SWIRL is actually Lavender. RAR
  14. Got a few pics of "The Family Marbles " The one that wondered off........! The COMPLETE GROUP !!! MIKE........I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH !!!!! THIS GESTURE OF KINDNESS WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN !!! RAR..........
  15. Man.........I was EYE-BALL'N those auctions. They had about 4-5 seperate groups like that listed. I kinda lost interest think they were just a bunch of " COMMONS " !!!!!!!..... BUT MAN............what a " SLEEPER SCORE " Did you check your PULSE once you realized IT WAS FOR REAL !!!!!!!! UH.........NO BUYERS REMORSE with THAT SCORE !!!! $28.00 for shipping.........NO PROBLEM !!!! I gotta go with " SCORE OF THE YEAR " on this one !!! RAR.......RIGHT ON JAY !!!!!
  16. Very Nice !!! Ya got alot of "Fine Tips " on all of those !!!! I gotta go with Alley on those. RAR.........
  17. FIRE81

    Bunch O M.k.

    WOW !!!!!!!!! Patry I should have known you'd have a STELLAR GROUP of Berry Pinks !!!! Thanx for the PICS !!!! RAR...........
  18. Thanx John ! I kinda figured it'd be a timely way to produced this kind of marble unless the actual molds had 10-20 seperate cups or more . Great patent info. Tends to give one the impression there was ALOT of lateral freedom when perfecting this Method/Patent. But then this is the reason this thread is what it is ! RAR......
  19. FIRE81

    Bunch O Slags

    UH-OH................... RAR
  20. The one Guinea I have is the " Euro Bullet Mold" With all the concepts concerning the production of the CAC and the other "TYPE" of Euro Guinea. The Bullet Mold seems to still have the same surface characteristics as ALL of thee above. But as far as the contruction and production methods used to make these.....are completly different........( RIGHT ????? ) Any ideas on the " Poor Man's/Women's " Bullets ???? RAR........
  21. FIRE81

    Bunch O Slags

    So true about the " White Slag " !!! Not to be one the " NEW NAME GAME " But....... a " Clear Slag " is a proper and valid description. I hope this one can "STICK " in the Ol' I.D. catagory. RAR.........
  22. FIRE81

    Bunch O M.k.

    I like that Berry Pink.....!!!! Gotta love the " Neeked Pinkster " as well !!! I've kinda been amassing an M.K. collection. Seems like if I sort them....Bumble Bees...etc. They seem to loose a bit of Eye Appeal. But when I keep them all MIXED UP....they have more " PUNCH " ! I guess one could say that " The Masses Rule " RAR.......
  23. FIRE81

    Bunch O Slags

    COOL PICS DOG !!!! Slags are just way too fun to display. Seems they have so many different VIEWING POINTS (?) Do I dare say : MULTI-DIMENSIONAL RAR......
  24. I gotta ask.........???? Do any of your half pieces match up to make one marble ???? I couldn't resist trying to make marbles outta the stuff (Pelts) I got a couple years ago. I got ONE....!!!! (Pee-Wee) RAR.........sssshhhhhhhhh....go go SuperGlue!
  25. OH...................YES............all the Factories seams are different. This is going to be a long thread...........maybe. Seams and glass color are probably the 2 main elements when it comes down to identifying marbles. ( I think ) I'm gonna let someone else take it from here...........! Not that I don't want to tell you......I'm just a$$ backwards and am getting ready to go to bed...........5:28 a.m. RAR...............
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