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Everything posted by bjmarble

  1. Picked this up on the weekend. Lid has a hole but ive never seen nor heard of this game before. Pat. March 1891. Some nice china marbles with it.
  2. He is a nut bar for sure. He bought a marble from me ,took 3 days to pay and then after 2 days starts to threaten me because he never received his marble yet.
  3. China is producing some clear lightning strike marbles. Do you have a pic?
  4. Nice to revist them again, thanks again for the opportunity to buy them Craig.
  5. Some same run akros culled from a 10,000 count box.
  6. Learned a lot from Art over the years, another great marble mentor gone. Rest in peace Art. Brad
  7. That is unfortunately a cullet slag. One of only two slags in the group that are not old. The other is the large blue slag that I believe is more contemporary than old.
  8. Nice try Greg, you know I don't sell my slags but when and if I do, I promised you a long time ago you would get first crack.
  9. I have been good, just not very social I guess you could say. Sorta retired and still pursuing marbles with a subdued passion.
  10. I was lucky enough to make it to the show and I found it to be very busy and I had probably the second or third best show ever for selling. Traffic was steady right through the week and my machine mades were getting the most attention. Sold a few high end hand mades also. The show itself was very well run and attended. Picked up a few mibs but was most exited about the yellow popeye box I brought home. Brad
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