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Everything posted by bjmarble

  1. Just picked this marble trophy up from a local auction. The Hamilton Spectator is the local newspaper and is still puplished today with a readership of 250,000. Brad
  2. One I use to own. Ribbon latticinio inside, then two razer thin ribbons topped off with yellows stripes. Brad
  3. This bennington is the real deal in my humble opinion and fits in with the rest of my cane heads , gear shift knobs etc. Some pictures attached in case you are interested in looking. Brad
  4. Here is one I use to own that had oxblood. The pics are old and not the best quality but it now resides in Hanzels collection. Brad
  5. This is "not" a shameless plug just because they are ending tonight. Brad
  6. Hey Brad The peach slag went in a group sale, sorry. I did get full value for it though. Brad
  7. This is NOT NOT an Ebay plug. Thanks for looking. Brad http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZbjmarbleQQhtZ-1 Some samples!!
  8. bjmarble

    Red Slags

    This is the 1" beat up red slag. The group pic are between 3/4" and 13/16" and are mint. Brad
  9. bjmarble

    Red Slags

    The largest slag is 1 inch. Nice but not mint, real hard to find mint red slags. I have maybe 50 mint total and keep them in red slag bowl. I do the same for amber, blue, green & purple slags. Brad
  10. bjmarble

    Red Slags

    Who does not love red slags? Brad
  11. A close up of the shamrock. Brad
  12. A couple of old exotics I use to own. Brad
  13. This would be an exotic. Brad
  14. Craig Snider made the beautiful boxes and filled them with corkscrews he sorted from a "case of 10,000" that he recently came across. I had the extremely great luck in being the first into his room at the show. Some champagne corkscrews, "gold" corkscrews and many more extemely rare colors expecially 25 wet mint in a box. Real hard to leave his room with any money left. Craig also makes other fantasie boxes and sells them on Ebay. Brad
  15. Here are some of my lucky charms I picked up in New Phily. Brad
  16. Just bumping this up, They all end today. Will add free insured shipping to anyone from the board (up to $25 value). Just mention this coupon. Brad
  17. I just figured it out. 7 of the listings defaulted to shipping to Canada only so they did not show up on the US Ebay. Don't know why it defaulted when I always ship worldwide. Now that I changed the ship to worldwide the listings all show up now. Thanks for looking and sorry for wasting everyones time. Brad
  18. I listed 35 auctions last night and only 28 are showing up when you click on "view sellers other auctions". Consequently 28 have either watchers or bids while the others have zero. In case someone here is looking for something special I will add some pics of what is not showing up unless you search the individual marble. Some of my better marbles up for grabs before New Phily. Brad
  19. Some nice marbles I put on including 3 lutz that are the last from a large collection I purchased some time ago. These 3 are the best pulled from that collection. I always have my starting bid as my reserve to beat Ebay listing fees. Usually I wait until 10cent listing days to put the higher priced marbles on so if they do not sell then I am out minimal coin. Sorry if this is too much information but I get a lot of emails asking why the start price is so high on them. The starting price in my opinion is what I would pay for the marble if I was at a show. In most cases they are right out of my collection and I use the money to buy other marbles as I like to mix the collection up to keep it interesting. http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZbjmarbleQQhtZ-1 Brad Some samples including a rare factory made Peltier necklace.
  20. The marble world has just lost a mentor and a true friend to most. I spent many a day just listening to the big guy's stories at the marble shows. If I ever needed help with an ID it was Les who I would go to and trust more than anyone else. You always new when Les arrived at the shows because you could hear his wonderful deep laugh and the halls would suddenly become empty as everyone would go to his room. Marble shows will never ever be the same again. Our sincere condolences to Sue and the girls. Brad, Darlene and Ryan Barnes.
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