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Everything posted by manddrakes

  1. 3/4" feathered Peltier slag is the biggest I've personally seen. It was at marble show in Omaha Nebraska. It was out around...
  2. He has a rare find! In every way... To a better way you go my friend!
  3. Phone can't even spell aventurine... Maybe someone can change the title when we look up odd or rare marbles!
  4. Ok to make the story better I traded 100.00 cash and some great organic weed... Which is the best, because we are in southern Oregon. Lol
  5. Been a while... Some I sold in a lot. Kicking myself for it...
  6. Unique is the importance... To find something you have never seen/shared is important! You will only have what we as a community puts into it/each other. Even I am to blame... I truly think this is made by a different manufacture/people.
  7. Morning Chuck, I have been asking around and you have a pile of these just like them? I do to glazed and unglazed but, not like these. Please share yours, I and other would so appreciate it. Thanks, Mike
  8. Agree... It is in the lined crockery category, but one has to also agree there quite different than the common lined crockery. Here is one with an interesting double patch wrap.
  9. Mochaware type technique? Marbles have a lot of similarities to this pattern. https://marbleconnection.com/topic/18834-very-rare-kind-of-mosaic-stoneware-marble/
  10. Ya I looked at his work as well. There heavy and sounds like river rock when you tap them together, not perfectly round like rolled in the palm with clay.
  11. Good to hear and thank you. I'm good thanks for asking. I have looked though every book on my shelf and reached out to to a number of seasoned collectors with little luck. Same answer from them all, never seen them before...
  12. Hi everyone, I have here a very interesting lined crockery and was wondering if anyone has a similar example or some knowledge. Thanks Mike
  13. https://www.ebay.com/itm/-/323360765784?nordt=true&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l10137 I would be interested in a reverse negative copy if one of you purchased it. Thanks
  14. That is one awesome monster... Very nice! Been crazy busy looks like I missed some cool stuff!
  15. Mine showed up in the mail today. Here are some close up pictures. Interesting for sure... who knows.
  16. Steph, I found this one by Tom Thornburgh, which has the antiquing crackled look. Thanks
  17. Antique repro? Like to see the original this has produced from? Interesting right?
  18. Here's a link... To a Tom Thornburgh. Different in a lot of ways? https://www.ebay.com/itm/132491387414?ul_noapp=true
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