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Everything posted by manddrakes

  1. Your thoughts... Maker and year? Thanks.
  2. Coleslaw like grandmother made... Millionaire! Now that's.... one lucky cat's eye! https://www.ebay.com/itm/Antique-marble-With-Special-Powers-Almost-Too-Much-For-One-Person/323094684576?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
  3. Unique for sure, but not 10k in its condition. I have seen nicer examples sell for less.
  4. I agree and your right we all fall short sometimes. I can say that some knowledgeable correctors bidded on it, so how knows! Hope it is a one of a kind and the winner is tickled pink with it!
  5. Now I understand why so many vintage collectors are flustrated... I still think that producing these in the smaller size will cause confusion.
  6. Ok, DAS? Please explain why we would even make the marble in the smaller size?
  7. Ok, when did jabo make this 9/16" marble with oxblood? New to me... I will contact the winner, because this is news to me! Share your input and examples please! https://www.ebay.com/itm/STUNNING-ALLEY-AGATE-SWIRL-3-COLOR-WITH-OXBLOOD-9-16-MUST-SEE-MARBLES/152900418668
  8. I have one already, but if anyone's interested here's a magazine somebody is selling on etsy. https://www.etsy.com/listing/588043421/life-magazines-1937-may-10-migs-vintage?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=marbles magazine&ref=sr_gallery-1-4
  9. Are there any examples of the marbles produced there?
  10. Here's one with oxblood on the tongue.
  11. Good buy... there has to be over a hundred NLR. The one looks to be weak golden.
  12. I have a few that nearly look to have a oxblood type feel... Nice flame!
  13. Two I made recently a large pine display and a hardwood rifle cases.
  14. Galen, please explain. Wouldn't this also throw into question the blue lace and others?
  15. Very Nice! I really like the one with all of bubbles.
  16. Talk about cold... We will be in the minus here. Looks like an Alley.
  17. Totally agree. I know I have taken my share to the chin. I didn't report him, but if I find out he lied to me I may have a few choice words for him!
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