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Everything posted by manddrakes

  1. After studying my MFC and CAC handgathered I will rest on MFC. Thanks
  2. Thanks Steph! I only really collect vases and my favorite style is April showers by Fenton.
  3. So sad, Fenton made some beautiful glass works. One of my recent purchases.
  4. Thank you for your kind words and yes I have made some nice hard woods storage for my marbles!
  5. Here's a few that I bought off of Etsy yesterday. I sell some of my wood projects on Etsy and figured I would looked under marbles and these appeared. Some nice ones that look to be of the same run. Thanks, Mike
  6. and that one you can take to the bank...........
  7. I agree Galen has always had a lot to say... So get on with it my friend.... What do you know and if you don't know then your marbles may just may be modern. Don't dance around the subject!
  8. I agree with you! We all need to think long and hard, well I personally think one only needs to use common since! These marbles where never made by Christensen and I have had in depth discussions with several collectors in my network of friends and to be honest not one of them would take a chance.... Mon is correct lets get to the bottom of this! The truth will surface! It just a matter of time... Keep up the good fight my friend!
  9. Exactly... Well there's also the other story of them being found in a pipe that was dig up at the Cambridge site. I guess they flushed them... Wasn't this a time when the out house was popular?
  10. Ok, maybe I have a little feeling for four, but don't cross that line!
  11. TO: Craig and Galen that this is just flat out wrong!!!! I agree I'm an ass as well... I guess!
  12. Yes, I believe I could. I dropped all of the exotics last year, because they do not belong to the Christensen family IMHO. I have a nice group of cobras and guinea also a large group of slags... some with up to four colors, most of the color is on the surface of the slag, which has me questioning the construction and makeup of the exotics.
  13. Nice halves now pictures of the dig and the people involved?
  14. I agree... I have confirmation from a couple different sources in which these marbles came into existence and the glass maker behind them! I have some of the best Christensen marbles to be had and they are not Christensen trade mark colors, transparent and opaque bases.
  15. I personal made a trip down and talked with Alan in depth about these and other marbles and he stated to me that there where some unexplained questions about there origin, which was before his illness and he stated to me at that time he was planning to back off as well. Now I would like to see some proof of the dig and or the find!
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