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Everything posted by manddrakes

  1. Yup, I figured if she did it would have been posted in the listing. Interesting piece something about it caught my eye. This is all that was in the description... Sulfide press paper 1910Included chiseled cross on red bedDiameter 8 cm (3.15 ") height 5.5 cm (2.16") weight 550 gramsGood condition.
  2. I bought this paperweight and was wondering if anyone knows the maker? Thanks
  3. Thank you all for sharing. This is very educational and it's interesting how there are so many different opinions, which is very helpful for someone that doesn't have a lot of experience with handmades. "Like myself included" Alan, that's some good advice! When odd things start showing up in handmades - it's good to pause and wonder why. When multiple odd things are seen in one piece - its good to ask why there are a number of odd things going on that are normally not seen in vintage handmades. Those who have handled "not right" handmades for years have learned to trust our eyes, experience and instincts.
  4. What are we looking for under a black light? I will ask the seller.
  5. Interesting and would this play into the weird pontil and the flat spot? Thanks
  6. The pontil has me uneasy as well. I believe there's a few threads on both the Belgium and California sulphides! Thanks for the input!
  7. The seller sent me the link... http://auctions.morphyauctions.com/Outstanding_Large_Banded_Transparent_Swirl_Marble_-LOT170387.aspx Ok, so after soaking in the new found auction results. I have a couple concerns and to start with... the raised pontil and the flat spot. Could this marbles be a same as cane or a fake? I would really like to know what glass makers and seasoned handmade collector have to say. Thanks
  8. I'm getting a cac feel. Who wouldn't want to give you more pictures when selling a marble? Condition is everything!
  9. and at 9000.00 I don't see it selling anytime soon. The reason/reasons you believe it not to be right?
  10. I have looked it over carefully and against another example... it looks antique handmade.Value maybe 2000?
  11. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Large-Antique-2-360-Handmade-Transparent-swirl-marble-w-Free-ship/311815174890?hash=item4899a1faea:g:9kkAAOSwTM5YuiFP Outside of the crazy asking price! What's your thoughts and what would this be worth? Thanks
  12. The third beer always inspires my imagination!
  13. Well it is interesting, but Steph is on the right track to foreign. I like the yellow base.
  14. Very cool and one has to respect the time that went into making such a maze!
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