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Everything posted by manddrakes

  1. That's interesting! It's a snotty cyclone/cobra. LOL No I'm not sure.
  2. The auction has 425.00 or best offer, so at first I offered 300.00 without really looking over the marbles, so after looking at them for a bit I said hell it's worth every bit of what he asking for so, I just bought them. He said he had several offers, which still doesn't make sense, because I gave him the asking price? I think what happened was I bought them and someone else offered him more and he canceled my transaction. I asked him if that was the case and he said no. He said he wasn't sure what he had, so I filled him in on what he had and also told him about the marble connection and Steph's study hall. He did mention that he was going to list them auction style. Well, I wish him the best either way.
  3. Interesting marble I found at an antique mall here in town yesterday.
  4. He responds... Hi, I'm so sorry but I made a typo on the price of this. I was about to change the price but the purchase went through within moments of my noticing it. I'm in a bad situation since our house burned down in a wildfire last year and I lost my job. I've never had to cancel an order before, but I'm sorry but I have to cancel this. I'm so sorry, I'm selling on ebay to support my family. I hope you can understand and not leave a bad feedback. Sincerely, D.P. Well hopefully he gets a lot more for them. Sounds like he is in a bad situation.
  5. Make one's head hurt...I bought this lot just to wake up the next morning to be told by the seller he made a mistake. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Lot-100-Vintage-Marbles-AKRO-AGATE-Corkscrews-Oxblood-1930s-AMAZING-ESTATE-FIND/192396306032?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2748.l2649
  6. I find myself looking at more paper weights lately. That's the last thing I need... to collect them as well.
  7. Yes, this community is full of individuals with very high IQ's and I'm glad to be part of this community!
  8. I use a free app. from the microsoft store it's called resize crop and share. Nothing special, but it works good. Hope this is helpful.
  9. The only pink ones I can find are plastic ones! Lol...
  10. One that I think jeeperman would like and three akro peewee moonie oxbloods...
  11. I remember there being discussions about children painting and putting the figures in sulphides? I believe the marble is vintage, but has been modified in some way.
  12. There are a few thing I would like to see more of on the marble to be a 100 percent, but the clearer base area, bubbles and flanged ends still have me thinking cac.
  13. I agree hiding all of the damage... The funny things was I put a 1 3/8" marble in my hand for comparison and the wife asked me what are you doing? I said comparing... and with a roll of the eyes she shock her head and walked away like I was crazy! Some people's wives.
  14. Nice... I have a buddy that has one that is 1 1/4" and it's a beauty! Ya the marble looks right, but one just never knows until you get it in hand.
  15. I was watching it as well, but once it popped over 250.00 I was out. That would be a rare size for sure... I was thinking the exact same thing about size.
  16. Sometimes the green will be filled with aventurine also.
  17. I think it's easier to get a Ph.D than it is to learn everything about this hobby. Lol
  18. They're handmade and from my experience not everyone cares about quality. Also wasn't young children/teens involved in the manufacturing process?
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