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Everything posted by manddrakes

  1. I agree with everything, but your possible gut feeling of them being vintage CACs... Something about them just doesn't feel right and I just can't put a finger on it!
  2. and all in mint condition of course, because back hoe are so gentle...
  3. Nice group... I also question there vintage origin! Mainly because there always offered for sale in the mint range condition and why haven't I and others found them in the wild?
  4. I was thinking Alley as well. I stopped at a local antique shop yesterday and this little baby stood out, so I had to buy it.
  5. Hi everyone! It's been a while... I came across this marble and thought the color combo was interesting and thought I would share.
  6. I run across this bag a while back. I'm not really a Vitro collector, so if anyone wants this bag send me a P.M. with an offer. Thanks, Mike
  7. This sure has a dried out rubber ball look.... Your thoughts? http://www.ebay.com/itm/RARE-Handmade-Gutta-Perchca-Paper-Papier-Mache-Marble-5-8-inch-/141458149756?ssPageName=ADME:X:RTQ:US:1123
  8. This one has more of a copper metallic.
  9. Thanks, If anyone wants something made feel free to P.M. me. Mike
  10. Morphys grading and obamecare are both a train wreck!
  11. I still have some for you. I have just been doing some wood projects lately and playing around with the CNC machine making signs and such. It's cool how the seam showed up on the marble carving. Thanks and take care. Mike
  12. I thought I would share some CAC signs I made the other day. The detail of the marble turned out great! If anyone wanted a sign with Akro, Peltier and or any other company let me know. Thanks for looking Mike http://www.ebay.com/itm/151157561009?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1586.l2649#ht_415wt_1018 http://www.ebay.com/itm/161142065763?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1586.l2649#ht_415wt_1018
  13. Hi everyone, My wife has been making some jewelry and posting it for sale on Etsy. She hasn't had a lot of lookers and I think she is losing some spirit. If you could look around that would be great and if there happens to be something you like well you just may get a couple marbles with that purchase. Thanks you for your support and God Bless. Mike http://www.etsy.com/shop/TheGypsySoulCo
  14. Very educational and thank you for taking the time to explain. Peltier really mixed it up for sure. Is there a name for each type? Looking forward to part2. Thanks Mike
  15. A couple nice bees that came with them.
  16. Could you post a picture of one? Thanks
  17. I have a friend with two like that one. They do not have aventurine.
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