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Everything posted by icunow

  1. I saw them also on ebay far away pics turned me off, they are pretty in your pics, too close for me to call without being in hand, but I do like them, wanna sell em? ...Gry
  2. 55 is good number ole double nichol ....gry
  3. I am going to sum up this deal in one word "NUTS", there is no comparing "JABO" to any MFC or CAC, they dwell in a place of honor way above these modern run Jabo's, thats why the word "classic" or "vintage" is always associated with MFC or CAC, I dont say its bad to collect modern mill ran marbles, but to compare them to the original classic brands is just "NUTS" Of course thats just my humble opinion....gry
  4. Glad to see you joined this site, you will find 99% of the members very helpfull and with a fountain of knowledge, sometimes great and sometimes confusing but none the less fun and freindly, at least Kevin is anyway well sometimes lol ... You know me by my ebay name, iloveglassballs, welcome welcome and oh yeah did i forget to say WELCOME?....Gry
  5. heres my favorite fantasy labels and what to do with them....Gry
  6. Thank you Smitty for the info, I shall be there and hope to see some great mibs, And see if I can take some home also, sounds like a great way to melt some of those plastic cards in my wallet.... And meet some of the people I have always wanted no meet.... Thank you agian.....Gry
  7. Can you recomend a good hotel or motel to stay at close to where the auction is going to be? Gry
  8. What you should do is just disappear and do us all a favor.... Back to your old tricks again Mike Reliford, bidding and not paying for them again, under another phoney ebay name mibsguy1815 alias Mike Clark, not only have you screwed me again you also didnt pay for 7 of the items you won from puttyface6, you are a blight on mankinds posterior, a pinple that needs popped, after you screw sellers on ebay you come into here and claim you dont need ebay what i liar you are, then you say that you buy all your great items at local autions or face to face deals, you are one sick deranged individual and someday you will get your just rewards, I am sure that anyone that still deals with you will take it in the shorts, but then there always is another victim waiting for some sorry scathing person like you isnt there... bet you dont even have a pet do you Mike, it proably found a better neighborhood or just flat run away.....you are a real piece of work Mike.........
  9. gotta side with with galen on this one .... I see no oxblood gry
  10. Looks like a Champion Furnace to me....gry
  11. I say now I is truly perplexed.......A hare, a bear and a turtle walk into a bar and ask the bartender " do you have any marbles?" and the bartender replies "why did you lose yours?" heheheheheheheheheheheheheheehe gry
  12. heres 4 befoe and 3 after.........gry
  13. here is a pic of one my green bricks......gry
  14. Now I think I believe I am jealous........ No not gonna say it........ I cant hold it back........ I AM EXTREMEY JEALOUS great find ... gry
  15. i found out is a rare color combo and even rarer being a jelly core. thanks for the input ...... gry
  16. this one was going to be a mag-lite indian but never got finished. what ya think?
  17. block prices a yitro salesman case at $2500.00 i would think akro's would be at least $3750.00 of course thats just a thought and usually have bad ones.......
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