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Everything posted by I LOVE MARBLES

  1. Thanks David! WOW Bo that Miller Greycoat is AWESOME!!! This 11/16"+ Miller Tiger won best Peltier at our I.A.M.C. get together a few years ago. I really think it's the best Tiger to ever come off Peltier's rollers!!! 2nd pic has a nice 23/32" Miller Wasp/Black Widow!!!
  2. Got a special love for all the corks with 3 or more twists/wraps!!!
  3. WOW Bill that Akro post #95!!! HOLY CRAP is that a Quad-cork? Or 5 separate lines corking, one being pink??? WOW!!! Sold this No. 300 box to hoss1961 Sep. 2002 on ebay. Must admit kept the Akro 300 box signature one incher, replaced it with a one inch tri-color. I am very bad!
  4. Thanks Don, Thanks Bo, late 2004 it's been a few years ago now, but that was my best ever ebay score paid less than a thousand for all. The auction had bad pics, knew what they were but not the condition. After winning, asked the lady to tape them to the edge of 10 inch by 5 inch bubble wrap with 2 finger space between each same size marble and roll them in rolls. She did it and I sat on the front porch un-rolling them in a trance drooling and shaking..... they are all dead mint!!!! Sold 3 of the oxblood shooters and paid for them all.
  5. A very pretty Peltier Rainbo! & Super CAC swirl!
  6. Looks like a newer Reno Ohio marble from here. What size?
  7. A private auction too! http://cgi.ebay.com/5-8-Peltier-Marble-SUPERMAN-MINT-99-N-R-/120576675789?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Marbles&hash=item1c12ee0fcd&autorefresh=true
  8. Really will not call this one a boy! A Huge 7/8" tri-color "miller" Peltier! B. Alan's pics my Pelt!
  9. A GIANORMUS "MILLER" SUPERBOY 31/32" B. Alan's pics, my marble!
  10. Think may have a couple nice Peltier marbles! Here's a big Lemon/Lime "Miller Swirl" yes know y'all call em John Deere, it's a yellow base marble, not green!
  11. Will agree with Don, real nice solitaire board! This does not have a name, wow a Pelt with no name, almost unheard of! B. Alan's pics, but my marble.
  12. Couple more new additions, older China marbles! 1 1/8" early Middle Period with 6 bulls eye doughnuts, 4 red around the middle, 2 green on the poles! A 23/32" Early Period China with a doughnut on each pole and fat leaves around the middle!
  13. Gary never seen a Masonic, what do you know about it? Here's a new addition, glazed (late period 1890 to 1910) concentric rings and leaves around the equator with dots in between, 13/16" mint, very nice for a Late Period China marble!
  14. Hey You, Ya You! President of the I.A.M.C. & host of the funnest marble shows! Teacher of the random acts of kindness! Wishing you the best day! Happy birthday Ernie, & thanks for being my friend, my friend!
  15. What a poll! My show not even on the list, guy who started the poll must live in FL wave bye bye now! I.A.M.C. Seattle & YAH MARBLES!!!
  16. Hi Chris, They may be Navarre or they may be transitionals, but they are not both. Navarre marbles are handmade all the way! Transitional marbles are hand-gathered and machine rounded! Hope some of those have a melted pontil, pic too blurry to tell. This one is 7/8" and mint, nice odd color too!
  17. This does not look legit to me. What do you think? http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-Antique-CHINA-Marble-PINWHEEL-STENCIL-2-inches-/360268142168?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Marbles&hash=item53e1a79658 And only $50. shipping, what a bargain!
  18. Wow MARBLEMISER that' the absolute best collection of these i've seen!!! Truly outstanding!!! I love these American/Leighton handmade marbles! The first 1 15/32" is the centerpiece in my collection! Next 4 pics is a small 21/32" not quite as symmetrical as my big one, but does make me dizzy looking at the best side!
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