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Everything posted by greg11

  1. show how you display your collection, let's see some eye candy
  2. Well good to know it was t just me, they have sure screwed up
  3. http://morphyauctions.hibid.com/catalog/77931/june-24-26-premier-toys--dolls--marbles-and-figural-cast-iron/?q=marbles&sortOrder=2
  4. is it just me or did ebay change the category for pre-1970 marbles. All of my searches are displaying modern mix with vintage now.
  5. the pair of mica onions are sold No one wants these other 2 onions? They are mint a not your usual colors and nice chunky size.. 40 bucks each is a bargain... I'm about ready to break into my Mint sulphide case.... stand by
  6. i really don't have any big ones like Les Jones used to have in his boxes, like electric green, yellow, amber, purple and blue. Those were the big ones I remember.. I recently sold a shooter yellow. We seem to seen pee wee's, and smaller CA slags, but not many over 9-/16-5/8... We then jump straight to the large ones... I have owned several in the 23/32 -15/16 that appeared to be CA category but who knows.... mostly in amber or blue. I really believe there is a huge gap in CA slags... we jump from smalls to large... where are the in-between sizes, most of the large are in boxes, there was one guy at canton a few years ago that had like 12 one inch slags but they just didn't look right to me.
  7. I have some nice onions posted with buy it now prices on ebay. a pair of heavy mica 9/16 and some other onions. They are mint and fabulous. They came from an ebay seller in the UK a few years ago, faceted pontils. The last 2 onions came from one of my favorite ebay sellers rhgeis65jk http://www.ebay.com/itm/252390086414?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Marbles-Mint-21-32-Onionskin-/252390094489?hash=item3ac39f3699:g:LTUAAOSw~oFXN5cj http://www.ebay.com/itm/Marbles-Mint-21-32-Onionskin-/252390092917?hash=item3ac39f3075:g:atsAAOSwSgJXN5ab
  8. lol yeah, it does look like he has a hammer
  9. I would love to buy a set of road and tunnel
  10. damn, I bought several from him in the past
  11. Joseph board just ended $977.70 $30 each marble, not bad, wish it was mine
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