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Everything posted by greg11

  1. What marble do you really want, focus on that instead of impulse buys
  2. How many have flea bites and chips? I hate these types of ebay listings.... top left is definitely damaged, bottom middle looks to have a a big spot. I'm guessing maybe 2 out of the 6 would be keepers
  3. 15/16 and the ebay auction is starting at $500 another lofty dreams auction, but interesting marble https://www.ebay.com/itm/Marble-15-16-unknown/263432462565?hash=item3d55cc60e5:g:rxsAAOSwtBdaWHaD
  4. the color of the glass is not CA, there is a pic somewhere that shows most of the CA colors. I will try and dig it up, its a pic of dug fragments from the factory, marble halves etc.
  5. This lot is on ebay right now $850 starting bid I'm almost tempted to bid, would be a nice group to own 3/4" https://www.ebay.com/itm/RARE-30-ANTIQUE-TOY-ONIONSKIN-MARBLE-SINGLE-ROD-RUN-WOW/302589944415?hash=item4673c4225f:g:7j4AAOSwke9aTj0y
  6. This lot sold for $868 unbelievable.
  7. Next time get dog sitter or kennel.
  8. Focus on one thing, one manufacture and get the best you can afford instead of buying bulk i would recommend akro Popeyes and silver oxbloods , get all the colors and then go to the 3/4 inch size Must have list to start corks popeyes oxbloods slags Pettier comics
  9. It took griff like 18 hours one year to get there from penn due to snow... we are like deadheads, nothing will stop us from the marbles !!
  10. does anybody want to sell some 9's ? Must be mint, PM me Craig, send me your email please, I think I'm sending email to an old email address.
  11. I've been to the winter indy show before a couple times. It's defiantly worth the trip. It's usually a smaller show but some very good dealers attend. I would recommend getting there the day before the show. People open up their rooms and have marbles displayed for sale. It's fun to take your time and not be rushed. You will get to know people and hear some good stories. I recommend taking a small flashlight and a magnifying glass and bring marbles if you want to sell some while room trading. A good tip would be not to rush, check out all the rooms/marbles before making any purchases and save some cash for the show, some dealers just set up for the show. I'm a minority here and some don't like what I am about to say but most shows I just spend a couple nights in the hotel room buying and don't even go to the actual show, I like to sleep in! Decatur Illinois is a good show, and the Ohio shows are good.
  12. and this dig The Akro Agate factory site as it exists today covers some two acres. Late in 1997 and into early 1998 one of the buildings was demolished, revealing large numbers of discarded marbles beneath the foundation. Many experimental types, which were rejected by the company, were discovered due to this incident. This find was termed the "Old Annex" site. Toward the end of 1998 and additional discovery was made in the drainage system used by the factory. Dubbed the "French Drain" site, it yielded multitudes of marbles, again many of them experimental varieties that did not "make the grade." Several new oxblood marble types have entered the market as a consequence of the frantic digging that took place here.
  13. invest in a backhoe and go get the rest of the exotics still buried in the ground, was it a street or a drainage pipe?
  14. Does anyone know what really happened to Clydes marble collection after he passed away? He had some larger slags, I would like to chase them down and see if they are available.
  15. I’m seeing a lot of large purple lately , I sold one to Craig which I could kick myself in the ass for doing
  16. Really cool picture of the factory, love those old German vehicles
  17. I was watching it, went high Look at this slag I got for $9.99 a couple days ago. This color of blue MFC is hard to find, I only have a few.
  18. I wouldn’t bid, shipping is more than the lot is worth
  19. My first reaction was akro due to the color but the size makes me question myself
  20. Green base with single long pinch line. White swirl pattern makes half circles back to pinch line, typical diaper fold effect. In a discussion with one of the son's of Arnold Fiedler, he was asked if Christen (Cambridge) ever made any marbles over 1". He said they made a special run of large slag marbles for a rich family in town to give as gifts to their children for Christmas. He also said it was very expensive to change the machines around to produce large marbles. This marble's surface shows two as made small blowouts and three surface reflections with no missing glass. Condition: (8.8). Item Dimensions: 1-5/8" Dia. http://auctions.morphyauctions.com/Extremely_Rare_Christensen_Agate_Large_Slag_Marble-LOT277650.aspx
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