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Everything posted by greg11

  1. PM sent to Craig Steph, I don't know. I really wanted to get into Lead circus and farm animals from Europe but something keeps tugging me back to marbles.
  2. I took a hiatus from marbles, sold off most of my handmades, all my akro and CA's. I have some regrets but overall, I stood my ground and held onto the core of my collection. I think I did pretty well on the sales but we always lose money. I never started this hobby as an investment and I passed on some kindness to those who bought marbles from me. I just bought my first marble in a long time... It feels good to fire up that ole paypal and ebay account !! The hunt begins...
  3. Lol , a settlement which includes marbles, at least he/she didn't give up the good stuff. There is zero value in these marbles. I don't think you could get 20 bucks for the group on eBay.
  4. I also have one of those very large wirepull solitaire sets like you posted once, it's mint.
  5. FYI...You can ship VCR tapes using media mail, it's super cheap. I just mailed 98 cassettes, 15 lbs for 10.00, it's like 2 bucks a lb for media.
  6. I have two, one is slightly larger model. Send me a pm
  7. I just listed several buy it now auctions on ebay some big ones that are mint, some nice machine mades, etc http://www.ebay.com/sch/gregsmarbles1/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from
  8. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/01/22/spilled-marbles-cause-lane-closure-on-indiana-interstate.html
  9. I need to get to a show soon, it's been a long time.
  10. Don't be so negative Lou...Post some of your marble pics, contribute! Lol
  11. Tom sold these to me when he got out of marbles, I dusted them off today
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