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Everything posted by schmoozer

  1. I just bought a new laptop, so now I get to bill clients while in my “outside” office.
  2. Yep, this is my happy place, far-away from reality. I work from home, and my desk is covered with marbles. So far, I have refrained from billing clients for time spent playing with marbles.🥴🥴
  3. The 3rd pic shows a “crease”, which SBs video said was a tell for CAC. No tail present. the size is what had me put them in the MFC section.
  4. I watched SBs video on slags, working thru my stuff. I’ve had these 2 with my MFC mibs, but now I’m questioning it. No pronounced tails, but “seams/creases”. to add to it, the left is 1-1/16”, and the right is 1”. How common are large CAC slags?
  5. Nice orange single stream, can trace it from start to finish.
  6. I want a couple of these…can’t make out the writing.
  7. Here is the slag marble video link. Stephen has a bunch of marble vids that great to learn from.
  8. Welcome! The first one is a killer slag! Size? It always helps to list the size when you post pics for ID.
  9. https://www.ebay.com/itm/394677512262?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ee9zi5vbtv2&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=bXaTUpW8TnK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  10. I need to go back thru ALL my handgathered slags, never looked for CAC.
  11. That’s a real poser for sure…👍
  12. Al, do you have a pic of the bags that were at the Portland show? I forgot to take a pic for akoorka.
  13. Yes, but you are not allowed to own one🤣🤣🤣 Sorry, couldn’t help myself.
  14. How big??? Isn’t that always your first question Art???🙃🙃
  15. I received a small wood box of marbles when my second MIL passed away. They were Vacor meteors. It all went south after that, been collecting for 25+ years. I am more a hunter, preferring to collect what I find in the wild.
  16. I admit to being a Hatch green chili fanatic, having grown up in Albuquerque. We used to buy 50lb lots of fresh roasted “Big Jim’s”. Bag it in smaller lots for salsa and rellenos. Our local Town-and-country in Poulsbo, Wa has an annual hatch green Chile event in the fall where you can buy it fresh roasted in 25lb lots. when working with hatch Chile, make sure you wear protective gloves, you can get burned easily. (For the guys, make sure you go to the bathroom before you start peeling the skins. Speaking from experience🤣)
  17. I also make Hatch green Chile stew when the wife is away. cubed pork shoulder drenched in flour and browned. Base is chicken stock with Rotello diced tomatoes and green Chile, plus a good helping of my homemade Hatch green chili salsa. I add either white pesole or pinto beans. with flour tortillas, I eaten it breakfast lunch and dinner for 5 days straight. she is taking off Friday for 5 days, I’ll survive.
  18. Our favorite is simple. Fresh caught Dungeness crab, steamed in saltwater. Melted butter or Mayo. The wife is the major cook, I typically grill stuff. She has a large pantry and too many recipes to count. my specialty is Greek dolmades, wrapped grape leaves stuffed with 1lb ground lamb, 4 cups cooked white rice, garlic to taste, a package of minced fresh mint, cayenne, olive oil, and lemon juice. Stack them vertically in a large sauce pan, half water, and more lemon juice and olive oil. Bake at 400 for 45 minutes, eat hot. Typically around 50. Typical serving is 8. Takes a lot of time to wrap, but well worth it. I use “Orlando” grape leaves, large and easier to roll. Sometimes I use ground buffalo. we also grill fresh oysters from our beach, with melted butter and garlic. I add Tabasco to my butter.
  19. Our biggest dog is around 10lbs, thinking “his” is bigger? We had a 20lb tabby who got tired of the dogs and moved to a neighbors house. Everyone was happy. we once had 4 cats, “gifted” to us from teenage daughters shortly after they moved out, after 6 months. one, named Ozzie, was a hunter. You never walked thru the house in the dark for fear of stepping on rat parts. He left a rats head in the dog food bowl one morning. He got torn up on a regular basis, $400 per vet visit. Had to nurse him back locked in my office, with the cone of shame. He finally didn’t come home, figured he outlived his nine lives. We were in the yard maybe 6 months later when he jumped over the fence to say hello. He was wearing a new purple collar. Sat with us for a few minutes then went back over the fence. All 4 found new homes on their own.
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