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Everything posted by schmoozer

  1. Glad to hear he is home!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 works. they are both rescues from Homeward Pets in Woodenville, Wa. The wife volunteered as a dog walker, she called me both times in tears. Piled the other dogs in the car for a test meeting, all went well. She had to quit after adopting DeeDee, the county has a 5-dog limit. all 5 love us equally, but Rusty is my boy.
  2. AvvaRae, any updates on your husband? Is there any correlation between collecting marbles and owning a chihuahua? this is Rusty, and below with his partner-in-crime DeeDee the deer chihuahua.
  3. Recent Bob Block auction😱😱😱 https://bid.marbleauctions.com/lots/view/4-B9H8PF/end-of-day-ribbon-onionskin-with-mica-2-14-near-mint-87-very-rare
  4. Great family history, Chad. I get a little sad when I find an old cane, especially when it is named. How it left the family is a mystery. Our kids have no emotions to anything we have that came down thru the family, unless it has $ attached. my wife’s girls got a Tom of stuff when the paternal grandmother passed, they brought in a dumpster to haul stuff out of the house. I was not allowed on-site by their father to help go thru things, so God only knows what got tossed. The wife got in at the end and rescued some great art pieces they were going to toss. just this week the wife came home with her ex-FILs violin from his childhood. The daughter just wanted to get rid of it. I did some research, going for an official appraisal soon. The violin is maybe $1,000, but the 2 bows are apparently in the 4 or 5 figures range. And yes, we will let her know🥴
  5. My best willow, dedicated to a name I can’t make out, the ink bled. 1882-1931.
  6. Modern local carver, no idea who. It’s to tall for me to use but I can’t bring myself to cut it down.
  7. The top came my wife had made for me by a maker selling on eBay. Not my marbles thankfully, had her ask if he wanted to sell/trade some of his marbles. nope…. the smaller one is dated 1841 to a I Allen. Primative but lots of personality.
  8. The shaft is sheathed in tortoise shell as well. Not great shape but given the age still a great cane.
  9. Let’s see what you have. A late 1700 sword cane, Meissen handle.look
  10. We went to a Halloween party last night, used my “peace” cane, just to the right of center in the pic. I’m scheduled for left-hip replacement this coming Friday, so my canes are getting some use. We may need a thread in “the lounge”?
  11. I’ve got a cane with a Houze cigarette topper on it, plus another on a small stand. Twins. show me your canes!!! I collect!
  12. https://www.ebay.com/itm/145096326436?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=KHazOSyuQXq&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=bXaTUpW8TnK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  13. I missed watching this akro ashtray on feebay. WOW😱😱😱 https://www.ebay.com/itm/175903610007?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=PHptukOyTLK&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=bXaTUpW8TnK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  14. Cool! Never seen the makers mark before. What city?
  15. Our dogs. All 5 of them love being inside where it’s warm.
  16. Then it’s at least $100🤣🤣🤣🤣
  17. It was in an eBay auction group. The second pic shows a lazy Popeye cork. What is the minimum twist for a cork vs a patch? 2nd from left maybe a half-twist.
  18. Love Akro glass. I had a large collection that was sitting in boxes, let it go via eBay a few years back. I kept the ashtrays…
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