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Everything posted by schmoozer

  1. Opalescent base, white threads and oxblood. Thinking Jabo? 5/8”. Maybe Vacor?
  2. Can’t seem to find any info on it online. Don’t remember seeing a 40 count box before either. it is short a few mibs, just like my brain:).
  3. A pair of corks! left is opalescent with2 faint purple snakes. the right is an auger, kind of blue/blue. Hard to photo the internals.
  4. Most of my other collections were also found in the wild. Nothing beats the thrill of the hunt. Keeps the mind sharp and away from the bars. I keep most for 10-20 years, until it’s time to find a new caretaker.
  5. I don’t buy off eBay anymore, however I will buy off Bob Blocks auctions. i greatly prefer the hunt where you can handle the merchandise. 95% of what I have was hunted.
  6. Deedee after every dinner. IMG_3963.mov
  7. The wife says no to chickens😢
  8. That was my nickname in the navy, 1975-1980. Had in embroidered in my coveralls.
  9. Not sure it actually got sold, look at the bidders.
  10. Hers one on eBay that alarmed me, a $30 mib. https://www.ebay.com/itm/355361602795?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=q9oJjtcQQea&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=bXaTUpW8TnK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  11. We talk a lot about mibs but never about pricing. Is this a verboten topic? I think a lot of people would benefit form unbiased pricing. eBay auctions have gone off the rails on fake sales. We need to educate members on actual pricing to prevent fraud, and turning people away from collecting. what are your best sites for pricing checks? I like granpamarbles as they show sold prices.
  12. So, what is it if it has both a surface and core snake?
  13. Verified by Dani and Ernie to be a 15/16” Peltier clown. Color, glass, and pattern.
  14. Weird that the IAMC website is dead. A single announcement for the 2022 show? what is going on with IAMC?
  15. The only cocker I knew was as psychotic as her owner, ex #1. Refused to let me get into bed if she was there first.
  16. This is Deedee another rescue. Very needy… IMG_3963.mov IMG_3964.mov
  17. My paternal grandparents had dachshunds, every one was named Smokey Joe. Got to lick grandpa Dotys ice cream bowl every night. Good memories, thanks❤️
  18. “Man’s best friend”, better than kids and cheaper.
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