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Everything posted by schmoozer

  1. Mint “as-made”. No pocket wear, chips, or fractures that I can see. I don’t participate in the “grading game”, I’ve never bought a marble based on grade. We’ll see how Dani grades it. 99.9% of my mibs are found in the wild.
  2. The Carnival is going to Dani Kirk for auction on her FB private site. 3.8K members, so it should be interesting. I have a personal firewall: when people bring me marbles to help identify, I will not make an offer to buy. This way they know I am being honest and aboveboard.
  3. Can’t even imagine how it made its way ALONE into that jar so many years ago.
  4. She wants to sell it but I have no idea on current values. Told her it could be $500?
  5. From the west Virginia swirls Alley site
  6. Met a nice lady at the last antique show. her jar of marbles is it a Carnival?
  7. They have another box https://www.ebay.com/itm/386958209136?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=NMVqM0SjTlC&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=bXaTUpW8TnK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  8. Some added pics of the mibs will help resolve the issue.
  9. It’s always good to post the size of the mibs pictured…
  10. Already connected, the mibs are flowing…..
  11. 0.902” MFC brick. 0.873” MFC brick 0.741” polished MFC brick
  12. We used old steel sprinkler heads with 3/4” 6” nipples. Slide a firecracker down the pipe so the fuse pokes out the nozzle. Roll a marble down the pipe, light the fuse and whammo!
  13. Yes, green. what are the rare color combos for comics?
  14. Base is UV. Almost a patch, 1 long flat seam.
  15. Small find: 31/32” single-pontil Navarre. Purple with a strange blue wash over part of it. Supposedly found digging an old outhouse back east.
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