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Everything posted by schmoozer

  1. I’ve never seen these before, or never recognized. Need to be on the lookout!
  2. That was my initial thought but I get get gun-shy on IDs…🥴
  3. But of course there are🙃
  4. For comparison… Red Zebra
  5. Given the size, I’d say Vacor…
  6. Used to seeing a sharp V seam on this color combo…
  7. Wounded warrior, thinking Peltier NLR swirl? Could be Jabo but it looks older. Alley is another option? the red fades to orange, which I have seen in pelts.
  8. Man, that could get tossed in the Imperial bucket very easily🤯
  9. Group photos in a Frederick&Neslons countertop cigar display case.
  10. These are what I found in my last score.
  11. Hope you have a great day!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
  12. You should do a video of the production plant! I would bet they will fund the vacation(er, research trip🙃)
  13. schmoozer

    My Garden

    The yard and planters are fully irrigated. Not sure about rainfall, I tend to ignore it.
  14. schmoozer

    My Garden

    Our annuals are still the same size from when we planted them 2 months ago😢 hopefully they will take off soon.
  15. Great score! Gotta love the hunt. Let me know if it needs a new home… this is a large at 29”.
  16. Final https://www.ebay.com/itm/256118187601?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=fZ5ZTtyUT1q&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=bXaTUpW8TnK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  17. Don’t forget the 10% for the “big guy”….
  18. I was 2 when it was produced. Found my first Blenko decanter 25 years ago, the rest (600+) is history. Terrible addiction.
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