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Everything posted by schmoozer

  1. Time to donate!!! this site is priceless, just donated to keep it running.
  2. Did you sell your car, house, or soul??? saw the 2CACs you also posted👍👍👍
  3. This is what I get🤣🤣🤣 https://seattle.craigslist.org/oly/grd/d/chehalis-dexter-breeding-bull/7614014731.html
  5. What else would they be? Assuming the era is correct, you would be looking at cane marbles? Why would someone hide cane marbles?
  6. That is not something I’d stake my life on😱😱😱
  7. Like most packaged mibs, the question is…Do you open it?
  8. He has incredible mibs for sale! I miss Alan, he was quite the character. Having a raccoon as a pet says a lot about a person.
  9. Given it’s a fragment of something bigger, at 18”x~10”, not thinking a bed warmer. back to square 1 for me…
  10. schmoozer

    My Garden

    Always loved the Chinese poppies, my Mom used to grow them.
  11. Very interesting offer. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1404911296/rare-antique-clay-bennington-in-original?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=marbles&ref=sc_gallery-1-7&frs=1&plkey=71d6f8b3d6a725b235ca758b36828449bbe3be31%3A1404911296
  12. That’s why I bought it, it was “Un-Vacor-ish”
  13. Two-seams, no orange-ring surface. one of those impulse purchases🥴 thought it was a shift knob at first.
  14. schmoozer

    My Garden

    When we bought the property, it had a 2,800SF 7-bedroom “party house” for a wealthy attorney. The neighbors hated it when it was turned into a BNB, too much noise and stupid people. We tore it down and built our dream home to display our collection of Blenko glass.
  15. schmoozer

    My Garden

    You have the same “serenity” view, it calms the mind.❤️❤️ it is priceless for peace of mind.
  16. Do you think they are not AKRO? Confused as to why someone would go to the trouble to mimic a sparkler, then deform it? what am I missing??🤔
  17. schmoozer

    My Garden

    Nope, they stay in the pots. Being next to hood canal, we rarely have extended freezes. The yard is artificial grass for the dogs, and me not having to mow it. Also keeps the moles and rabbits out, as well as the ducks and geese. went for low maintenance, and not having to get on our knees. I mostly work from home, so I spend a lot of my time analyzing projects while sitting on my deck.
  18. schmoozer

    My Garden

    Peonies have yet to bloom, 2 are close to losing it. No buds on the lilies either. we do have a few cucumbers about 2” long.
  19. schmoozer

    My Garden

    My mom grew chives but the dog always peed on it. She finally shifted to an elevate pot. we have blackberries all over, walking trails are lined with them. Never eat the berries low to the ground🙃🙃🙃
  20. schmoozer

    My Garden

    We originally bought 1-yr old plants to make sure they survived… we bought a pair of starters this year, both bit the dust. you have to cut to ground in the fall, then cover them with 6” of dirt for freeze protection.
  21. schmoozer

    My Garden

    the artichokes are the only thing growing, and retarded doing that. the oysters, mussels, and geoducks are doing much better.
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