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Everything posted by schmoozer

  1. Highest price I’ve ever seen for a single piece! https://www.ebay.com/itm/256118187601?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=fZ5ZTtyUT1q&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=bXaTUpW8TnK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  2. We are bombarded daily with “Free” stuff every day via text and email. I have grown immune to it. as my grandfather told me “ There is no such thing as a free _______” Fill in the blank…
  3. schmoozer

    My Garden

    Beautiful landscaping, Mojo!!
  4. Not just marbles but glass in general. I bought a rare piece of Blenko (charcoal fish)that I had been looking for over 10 years. I was ecstatic when I bought an example on eBay. The seller wrapped in brown Kraft paper and shipped it in an oversized boxed, showed up in 100+ pieces. We were at a local show and I related this to a Blenko seller. I walked around the corner and I literally bowled my wife over reaching for the same fish, for $25. I’ve had 2 other pieces show up broken since then. it is heartbreaking to open the package and find damaged goods. I now verify that glass will be double boxed, willing to pay the price.
  5. You guys are welcome to our beach anytime! Lots of oysters, sand dollars, and clam shells, an oyster bake can be arranged.
  6. Would Morphy auction a cyclone in a group of mibs? That seems odd to me.
  7. Right now, I don’t like any of my kids, so I’m open to offers of getting listed in my will. 🤣🤣🤣
  8. Thanks Ric, WSVs in general are tough to ID, many makers over many years.
  9. One heck of an education… if the seller pops in to show his win, be gentle🙃
  10. Are these champions? thick square wire staples, could not get a focused shot of the mibs thru the bag.
  11. Regardless, a very good looking mib.
  12. Just looked at sales on feebay, yikes🎉💥
  13. I thought possibly JABO, but didn’t look right….
  14. Thanks guys, it will be my token mib for that maker.
  15. Curious to know who made it, biggest on I’ve seen. Non-UV.
  16. Not up on Vacor designs… very vibrant green, 5/8”.
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