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Everything posted by Ric

  1. I agree the first looks like a Master "brushed patch. The second is kinda hard to make out but it may be too - probably Vitro if it's not.
  2. I agree it's probably a JABO contract run, DAS or Sammy's. Not any vintage marble that I recognize - nice looking marble though!
  3. I could see Akro, Art - the yellow is the key, I think. Everything else about it looks Vitro to me. Of course, I'll have to check my Vitro drawer now . . .
  4. Just a thought on the first marble in the OP - looks Vitro to me. Otherwise, I agree with the others.
  5. The center one looks most Master to me. The outer ones might be Akro. They made some really similar looking marbles.
  6. A few more of brother Billy's dandies @mibcapper for your enjoyment . . . Billy sure knows a good marble when he sees one!
  7. I agree, it would be an oddball - maybe JABO, DAS or one of Sammy's?
  8. The first is referred to as a Moss Agate. Akro and Master both made them - I think this one is Akro. But I have nothing to offer on the two transparent swirls - too many companies made them and i don't see many features that would let me say one maker or another.
  9. Haha, you fit right in here.
  10. Your pics aren't so bad - I've seen far worse. Just remember to get a nice straight on shot of both cutoffs if you can find them. The right one is giving me a little Vitro vibe but I doubt I'll ever be able to give you anything near a definitive ID on the left one. But you never know, someone else might take a shot at it.
  11. You know I'm just goofin' with you, and you can find the rules for play online, easy enough. It's a lot of fun and way harder than you might think. There are even variations of the game for two players.
  12. You only need 32 marbles to play the game . . . just sayin'. 😁
  13. The second looks like an Akro Snake and the third looks like a nice Akro Corkscrew. It's hard to tell from these views what # 1 and #4 might be.
  14. I see where you are coming from and it's definitely something to think about but . . . 1/2" Vacor?
  15. Ric


    Oh boy, I'm losing it - I knew that at one time. Oh well, back to the study material for a refresher!
  16. I agree, we need @crashbelt to tell us what he thinks about this one. Nice board though, no doubt.
  17. Funny, I saw Godzilla before I read your comment - I'm thinking Akro.
  18. Ric

    What if ?

    Seems like it has to be Alley or CAC - I'm leaning CAC American Agate. The pattern inside is awesome!
  19. Ric

    Huh ?!

    it's a wild one, very cool though. If that green were opaque I'd say Vitro for sure - and I am going to say Vitro anyway, even though it's not.
  20. I agree with Vitro - pretty marbles for sure.
  21. Many manufacturers made very similar looking transparent swirls and there is nothing notable about this one that points me in a particular direction. And it wouldn't change the collectible or monetary value of this marble much, regardless of who made it.
  22. It is a Sunburst type of marble.
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