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Everything posted by Ric

  1. The Yellow Tracer is a good one one . . .
  2. I don't think JABO or Pletier - Alley or CAC is more likely but I am on the fence as to which it is maybe leaning slightly toward CAC.
  3. The more I look at this the more I think Kokomo may be a better bet. The hue of the blue has me leaning pretty hard that way.
  4. Ric

    Vitro ?

    It's an odd one - doesn't strike me as Vitro, maybe JABO?
  5. Ric

    Which one ?

    It does look a little CACish but I'm leaning Alley.
  6. Ric


    It's not one I readily recognize. JABO seems like a possibility but it has a pretty intense orange peel surface so I am not too sure, and I wonder about other possibilities.
  7. Ric

    Vitro ?

    Looks Vitro to me.
  8. Single color swirls in transparent glass are often difficult to ID. But given what appears to be batch white glass and the structure, I am leaning CAC, although it could be something else. Many of the swirl companies made similar marbles.
  9. It's an oddball and at that size, I'm not really sure what to think - this may be a hard one to get a firm ID on. Although, it looks to me more like a machine made marble that got spun than a hand-gathered MFC, but I can't offer much more than that.
  10. I think Akro Multicolors too.
  11. Ric

    Akro ?

    Looks Akro to me.
  12. A wonky Wolverine maybe? or perhaps Kokomo?
  13. Burnt Citrus Liberty maybe?
  14. Nice clean Ravenswood for today's Sunday Best
  15. Just back from a 4K mile road trip - found this toothpick holder in MO . . . Akro for Vogue Merc. Co. NYC
  16. Hmmm . . . hand gathered and a single seam - I'm leaning Akro but might be CAC.
  17. Maybe the "April Fling Run" from 2015? I think they were sizes peewee to 5/8".
  18. http://images.yuku.com/image/jpg/08c15ef18bc278654e080c5a9e499ef83d67557_r.jpg
  19. In your last pic, for the most part, the ones with only two colors (including white) are the Transparent Whities. The others are Tiger Eyes.
  20. I notice you also have a few transparent-based Whities in your Conqueror group. They have a transparent base with two white polar patches and two same-colored ribbons around the equator. There are also a few Tiger Eyes of various types in the mix.
  21. A general rule of thumb . . . if there is no red on the marble it is not an All Red. Like Steph, I see some Blackies in your All Red group and you have some of the older Black Line All Reds mixed in with the newer type of All Red that lacks the black ribbons between the polar patches.
  22. Ric


    Yes, Peltier Rainbos.
  23. As far as I can tell, a nice bunch of Imperial types from Asia. It sorta looks like oxblood on the blue one and be sure to check for AV on the green ones - it's not too uncommon.
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