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Everything posted by Ric

  1. My two favorite teams so I hope it's a great match . . . may the best team win - I'll be happy either way!
  2. Ric

    3 for ID

    They look European to me - maybe Veiligglas?
  3. Nice mibs, I have seen Euro Sparklers with oxblood, for sure, but I don't think I am seeing oxblood here - looks too brown/weak to me.
  4. Pretty sure a green fizz has internal AV too. Here's a good pic:
  5. Vitro Black Line All Red (above) Marble King Tricolor Patch and Ribbon Looks like a "Wales" type marble to me (foreign) WV Swirl - need more views Another Wales type, I think. foreign - maybe "Imperial" Brushed Patch - likely Master or Akro Looks like a Vitro Conqueror from this view. Pretty Marble King P&R Looks Vitro from this view. Need more views Peltier Rainbo Probably foreign - perhaps a "Wales" type (above and below). Need more views. Brushed Patch, probably Akro or Master (above and below). Looks like a "Cleary" or "Puree" game marble but might be an industrial glass ball (maybe feedstock for fiberglass production, e.g.).
  6. This is a killer Copperhead . . . I don't think the OP marbles are Peltier. They look a lot like some of the P&R types Joep has found in the Netherlands - I think there was some speculation about Vitros sold overseas but I don't know about that - they do look more Vitro than any other American company to me though.
  7. Definitely a sweet marble - 100% Vitro Tiger Eye.
  8. Ric

    Red Slag

    No. 0 should be 5/8", No. 00 should be 9/16" and No. 000 should be 1/2", at least by industry standards, which I am pretty sure Peltier used. I think @mibcapper might have a 3/4" (No. 2) Cerise too.
  9. The ones with orange and white look like Du-Lites to me.
  10. This one has his mark etched on it . . . is that what you're talking about?
  11. I'm thinking about Champion.
  12. I wouldn't go there just because it glows. And when identifying single-color Kokomos that are not one of the "special" colors, like that lipstick red, it's important to remember that they are vanishingly rare relative to Peltier Rainbos so it's usually wise to err on the side of Peltier.
  13. I don't think I have seen any peewee MCSs.
  14. I think the second may be Ravenswood and I could see Heaton possibilities for the third too.
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