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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Ric

    Vitro #3

    Another good Tri-Lite
  2. Ric

    Vitro #2

    That's a nice Vitro Superior, Rick - a type of Tri-Lite with red ribbons surrounding the yellow cap.
  3. I've only found one with just white . . . That's an Alley (front left) for comparison.
  4. FWIW, I found these on separate occasions over about a 20 year period.
  5. Does this mean that now you've seen others you're going to get rid of it? If so . . . send it my way! 😉
  6. Ravenswood operated from 1928-1955 with a couple of years downtime around WWII. I'd have to do a lot more research to try and narrow the date down.
  7. I'd say it's a mist with some fortuitous AV - sweet marble!
  8. I've had this for quite a while, William - I just confirmed the ID.
  9. It's a beautiful blue, for sure! These are probably one of the hardest types to call Ravenswood vs Alley but FWIW, I'm about 52% Ravenswood to 48% Alley. lol
  10. Ric

    More IDs

    The first is likely a JABO Classic, probably 1992-2008 and the third is likely a Vitro Conqueror, probably from the mid 1940s. Especially for the swirly ones!
  11. Sure did, William - found several good ones . . .
  12. The Indiana Marble Club Show was a blast!
  13. Nice ones, Dave - the red is my fav!
  14. I think there is a very good reason for that, Joe. 🙂
  15. Ric

    Both Akro?

    The chiffon yellow always has me thinking Master - maybe I need to let that go.
  16. I see no reason to think it's Kokomo - Peltier made plenty like this.
  17. Ric

    3 swirls

    The last one may be a Ravenswood Christmas Tree.
  18. If they're not glass, I'd guess polymer - pretty tough to get that sort of finish using clay. If polymer, they should feel quite a bit lighter than a glass marble of the same size.
  19. Ha, I forgot that part - I think it's a Pelt too.
  20. Ric


    Yes, Vitro, looks like it might be an Opal. back-light it (not too brightly) and look for some opalescence in the base.
  21. What edition and year is the book?
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