I'm reevaluating the middle one. I don't think it's Vitro. Looks a lot like Akro Lifesaver colors and given the Liberty (looks dug) next to it, I think there is a good chance it's just a weird (likely dug) one.
I think it's more likely an oddly-structured Akro patch, although, it could be an oddly-structured "lazy" Akro Corkscrew. Might be best just to say it's an Akro. 🙂
That is a rare (at least VHTF) Ravenswood Solar Flare on the left in the OP - a keeper, for sure. And that's an An Akro Liberty on the right, and a nice Vitro patch & ribbon in the center.
By definition, shooters are 3/4" marbles, anything above that is a boulder, and true size is still important. I think the three you're showing are nice JABO Classics.
Welcome here! You came to the right place. Unfortunately, your pics are a bit too blurry for me - you may have gotten a little too close with camera. It's also important to show us both "seams" on each marble - you got the idea on the blue/white one
Sorta overload for this OG. You'll make me a lot happier with no more than 4 marbles per post. The green-base is a CAC swirl. Are the "shooters" 3/4"? I'll try to get back to the others later.🙂
I think it's a Pelt Rainbo with that top ribbon flipped over to the other side. If you look real close with a magnifier, I'll bet the color on the top ribbon originates on the opposite side of the seam from where it lies.
I think there is a real good chance of Kokomo on the fourth marble in your OP, Melissa, maybe the 5th too. The rest look mostly Peltier to me, although there might be another Kokomo hiding in there too. Do any of them react to UV?
This one is Rvenswood. The striping pattern (not color, obviously) looks similar and the kind of of yellow on your marble is rare on a Ravenswood. I've only seen similar on the Solar Flares. That's why I'm waffling Alley vs. Ravenswood.
Here is your marble again . . .
And I've not seen that kind of thin tight striping on an Alley Exotic Coral.