The cutter guy has scissors in his right hand, cutting the gob, and the cup with the handle is directly below on a shelf. His left hand is about to release a now-cooled marble from a set of rollers that he will toss the newly cut gob into. They have to cut the gob into the cup first, because if cut right into the rollers, it would just slip on through.
There are two rollers for each machine. Small marbles, size 0 and size one, cool rather fast, and with a battery of six machines, they toss a marble in each machine down the row, and when they get back to the first machine, that marble will be cool enough to release, and fill with another hot gob from the cup. For larger marbles up to size 8 or size 12, they would need a battery of 10 or even 12 machines, to allow the larger marbles more time to cool enough to release.
This information and the two photos come from depositions of former MFC workers at the appellate trial between Akro Agate and Peltier.