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Everything posted by migbar

  1. migbar

    Pelt Patches

    Yes, the clear based patches, some with a blue or green tint, were dug at the factory, such as the bottom six, here, with some realers of varying opalescence.
  2. Here is a poor scan of four Peltier orange slags...
  3. I asked my friend, John, the long-time mechanic at Peltier about these, and he didn't have info about how many were made, but he said he has seen "more than a few" of the amber ones in 5/8", 1/2" and one inch. He has also seen light red ones in 5/8" and 1/2", and one in light blue at 5/8".
  4. Hi John...I like the small white Indestructo boxes from ULINE. The ones that are 4" x 3" x 2" tall,( model #S-425), will hold one to maybe ten marbles, and cost $30 for 100 boxes. They come flat, and easily fold into a nice, strong box. They have any size box you could ever want.
  5. I've been trying to be less of a nuisance since getting all senile, and stuff... Yes, Galen, we share a strong artistic sense that makes us so sensitive to things. Who could forget (and I have tried...) that bold rendition of an owl you shared with us years ago ?!! ( It haunts me still....)
  6. Galen...My only comment in this thread was that I always thought mon's marbles were great. I said nothing derogatory about you, and my posting here, in no way, denotes that I agree with all prior posts. While I know nothing at all about CAC's or Exotics, it is my total ignorance of the subject that brings us together in this thread,and I have a right to post in this particular topic, since I inadvertently started this stink, many years ago, when I sent you the picture of mon's Exotics, and asked your thoughts. At the time, I expected you to agree with me that they were genuine. I had studied BT's pictures, and others, and mon's marbles had the same traits that, much later, you would say denoted CAC's. I don't know if I ever referred to you as an expert, but if so, I apologize, and I meant no offense, thinking only that you are more knowledgeable than most others I know about such things.
  7. I think I've shown fairly well that I can error on all sides...
  8. Well, I always thought they were great marbles, mon...
  9. Not that special to me...I think people are looking at them upside down...
  10. Yes, milkies are Peltier's version of moonies. Whatever the opal agates are, they most likely have an opalescent base, like the milkies and the prima agates. Hansel may have a box and not realize they are Peltiers.
  11. I've said on numerous occasions that I believe the Peltier milkies are a translucent soft opalescent marble that glows orangey when backlit, with internal threads, similar to the Acme Realers, but without a patch. I think the canaries are like milkies with a soft yellow tint, like the marbles in the opal agates box in post #2, and that opal agates are likely different.
  12. As I mentioned in post number 3, I think the marbles Steph showed in post 2 are canaries.
  13. Thanks Dave, if you're ever in town I'll show you. I could show you a multi color swirl type with four colors, also...blue white and orange on one side, and blue white and yellow on the other, twisted nicely...
  14. I have one that is like the multi color in question, and I think it is a very unusual NLR. Some of the ribbons are faint, but on one side there are distinct separate ribbons of blue, white, transparent red, white, green, green, white, and blue... These ribbons wrap around one half of the marble, and the other half is mostly the transparent yellow-green base glass... There are also weak ribbons of transparent red, white, and blue on one end of the base glass side... the other end the bottom side... and the other side...
  15. I had never seen the above document, and hadn't heard of the canaries before, but I suspect they may have been yellow tinged milkies as in the box above... I have long wondered what the opal agates are, and I am still not sure.
  16. I dug them, not Boyce, and I dug this one, too, but not dozens. I have only one like the marble above, but I suspect there are many others like it. I am less familiar with what was their standard production, than what they threw away... They did make other marbles with four or more colors, too.
  17. I can't tell if that is a Peltier, a red zebra, or aventurine....
  18. Are multi-color swirls considered "Millers" now ? A few of these might qualify...bad picture, though...
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