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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by migbar

  1. Such sad news, I was really hoping to see him next month at the meeting.
  2. Thanks Sami. It's not far from my house. I was going to try to rig up a side car for my walker, to hold my Peltier stuff.
  3. I'm sad because I've never seen red glass with aventurine in a Peltier marble...
  4. I didn't know that iridescence was considered metallic...sorry...
  5. Are you sure, mon ? Peltier black glass is especially susceptible to turning iridescent when buried, and that's what it looks like from here. (Peltier clear glass often turns iridescent, also. In the 1930's some of Peltier's glass formulas had a good percentage of recycled bottle cullet in the batch mix, and as a bottle digger, I wonder if that had anything to do with the iridescence on some colors.)
  6. I think Pamela would be more likely. Fatima would have to grab handfuls of all four being green to be MORE than 75%, but Pamela could have 8, 9, or 10 green marbles in her handfuls to be more than 75%.
  7. Yo ! Wussup be-yotch !!! (I apologize for the language of these clowns...they're from Chicago....)
  8. Aw shucks, Lloyd, thanks ! Can you come out and play ? I'll bring my doggie....
  9. Galen, I would venture to guess that most people here share that concern for your marbles.
  10. You should be getting some fracking big ones down there soon enough...
  11. When I heard it was from Napa, my first thought was "I hope Galen's marbles are OK..."
  12. It was a good one. I'm 60 miles from there, and it woke me up at 3:20 this morning. My hanging light fixtures were really swinging, and it felt like being in a rocking boat for half a minute. The Loma Prieta earthquake 25 years ago was much stronger.
  13. Nova types These were in the safe at Peltier. The smaller blue on white marbles were not Nova type marbles, but they were all kept together, and likely made at the same time.
  14. Rich...Sandy was a member here long ago, in the good old days, before you arrived. She was a lot of fun then, and she still is. She went by the name of snadyk.
  15. I think they are compatibility fractures, between the green and the base glass, going crosswise to the green. There are at least three, with one around the corner to the left, and possibly another at the corner, between these three more visible ones.
  16. No flowers today, too, but I found this bug, ewww !
  17. Here is a solid color one inch plus marble with gold colored aventurine all over, and a .63" pearlescent patch
  18. The black glass and/or colored transparent glass that has the aventurine in it, melts and flows at a much lower temperature than the much stiffer white opaque glass beneath it, and it tends to spread, giving the appearance of many colors of glass having aventurine, which isn't always the case.
  19. I am fairly certain that the green glass with aventurine that Bullseye Glass Company has been making since 1974, and that they still make in sheets and rods for fusing, refusing, and for torch workers, holds up when reheated, with no change.
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