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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by migbar

  1. The contract definitely stated that Peltier could sell their marbles only through Gropper, but there was no clause stating that Gropper could not sell marbles of other companies. I thought I had seen Gropper boxes for other marble companies during the period of the Peltier/Gropper contract, but I could be mistaken about that, because my brains are getting old now.
  2. Yes, during the period of the contract, Peltier was required to have only Gropper sell their marbles, but Gropper could sell marbles for other marbles companies concurrently, and did so.
  3. Ann, you're kinda new, you could send me one of those cerise agates, please. (you have so many, anyways...)
  4. The original contract between Peltier and Gropper was signed on August 18th, 1924, and was tentatively set to last for a period of ten years, but they decided to terminate the contract before that time, and did so on June 9th,1931. Peltier was to buy four marble machines, Peltier paying 1/3, and Gropper paying 2/3 Peltier was to supply and pay for all other necessary machinery, equipment, materials, and supplies. The Miller contract was signed September 3rd, 1924 M. Gropper & Sons was at the 200 Fifth Avenue, New York,N.Y. address. The Ottawa address was a room at the Peltier factory, as near as I can tell. Peltier was to manufacture the marbles, and pack them in containers, and Gropper was to sell them. Peltier did not sell any marbles on their own until after the contract with Gropper terminated.
  5. I think it was at the factory, yes, and I have the New York address somewhere, too; but I'll have to check for the exact addresses later, when I have more time....
  6. Sellers Peltier and Samuel Gropper entered into the "Peltier Gropper Marble Venture" from 1924 until, I believe, 1928, with offices in New York and at Peltier.
  7. I knew the correct word all along, I just wanted to be a silent pea in the mattress.
  8. I would like to say directly that the specific ART what Rich does is, indeed, most pesrevrating.
  9. migbar


    Well, thank you, Galen, but I think you may be a little over-generous and wackers in your praise there, and right up above, kbob showned that if you don't prefer thin crispy crust pizza over thick crust, you're a moron.
  10. migbar


    Thanks kbob. That's because I'm a marble nobody and a glasshole and a moron, for reals.
  11. migbar


    Just to prove kbob's point, I prefer pizza with a way thick bread type crust, and all the ingrediments you can put on it. Also, I eat it with a fork.
  12. Ooooh....those are nice !!! Fine photo, too, Steph.
  13. Peewees 1/2" or less, shooters 3/4", I think... (and boulders about 1", maybe...)
  14. Aw shucks and thanks Galen. (Gawrsh, I wish I was smart and edumicated like that Science Claus....)
  15. Yeah, Steph's right, you're all acting like wussy-babies and idiots. (fixed it, Steph....)
  16. Hipdude be truthin', Steph....thanks !
  17. " I think so", he said, with some uncertainty.....
  18. I think they were a soft translucent white opalescent marble.
  19. It looks like "Pixie Dust", a micro-fine powdered and colorized mica product, that torch workers, especially bead makers, use to get a metallic luster or pearlescence to their glass items. It is made in different shades of copper, bronze, silver and gold plus several reduction colors, lusters, sparkles, and hi-light colors. The pearlescent colors create an effect similar to Peltier's pearlescent patches.
  20. Silver glass is wonderful and amazing stuff. Way to go, Brian !
  21. Kelly is more into tattooing and piercing these days, I think.
  22. I remember you Doogie, but not your marble. I'm sorry to say you didn't get that one from me. Hey, stop by my house next time you're around Doogmon..... I'm happy to see you and your marbles on here again.
  23. A wide variety of Peltiers glow green, NLR's including some citrus, christmas trees, zebras, and rebels, etcetera, plus some patches, slags, and clearies, and a surprising variety of Rainbos, too; usually in the base glass, sometimes in the ribbons. A lot of Peltier marbles also have ribbons or base glass that glow orange.
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