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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by migbar

  1. Mibcapper Bill is way old, so I'd like to wish him a happy one, for reals. I also wish I was in the Ottawa dirt with him right now. Hi, Bill ! mike b.
  2. A trail of transparent red from the interior that got burned ?
  3. The last two marbles are some of the ten known that are encased with a swirled patch of John Triggs' special glass that was over 70% pure silver. It usually appears black, edge-lined with white or silver, sometimes with a purple oily look in bright light. Yes, that was me, without beard, in my youth, three years ago at Jabo. Here are some boxes I made with popsicle sticks and stuff....
  4. Sorry I'm so late, Edna. Here are some more of them Peltier Mansion Jabo things.... thanks a bunch, mike b.
  5. I'm sorry to hear that, Galen, but not too surprised. When I tried to research Arnold Fiedler a few years ago, I found very little solid info beyond the little Peltier bits I had. mike
  6. Happy on your Birthday, young man ! (Anybody want a couple '56 Chrysler project cars, a station wagon and a sedan ?) .....and happy the belated birthday to tankgrrl.....
  7. Thanks, your Lloydness ! Hi Fritzie ! He's a good boy.....yes, he is......good boy, Fritzie !!!!
  8. Thank you, every one. I had a really nice visit with the kids, and they put up with me and humored me for an hour or so, and they let me show them all my old junk stuff. I don't get much company. Finding a decent marble was a challenge, of course, and I hope there was a good one in there. Happy birthday to Slowguy, thanks, mike b.
  9. and my first post was only an attempt at humor, a very poor one, obviously. I'm sorry I was offensive.
  10. Hi up there, Ann. I don't know what the hey you were talking about up there. I just want to know more about the book. You sounded like you might have talked to some people who might know something about it, that's all.
  11. Could you name them all, and give a brief synopsis of what was discussed with each person, please ?
  12. I have my doubts about all of these Prima Agate boxes with a yellow label so sloppily positioned on a white box. That just don't look right. The records for these early boxes say they were yellow, then yellow with metal corners, then orange with metal corners. Did they ever use sloppy white boxes ? Hmmmm.....
  13. Yes, Hansel, in post number five I should have called it a sample kit, not a number five display box. A number five display box was likely inside to the left originally. Thank you for pointing out my stupid mistake ! Also, I am pretty much convinced, now, that the original Prima Agates were like the ones in the display kit box that look like American Agates, red with a translucent/soft opalescent white, no grey involved. I think the description of them having grey was from a business journal article mentioning the new primas in 1926. Them business folk always see a lot of grey areas.
  14. I don't think that is a Glassonix marble. They made one with red, yellow, white and flint, but I would expect more clear. I've been wrong before, but not for several minutes. There is an inventory list of the Glassonix marbles from 1934 in Steph's Study Hall, the Acme Realer thread.
  15. Art, since you first posted, I thought your story was completely true, and impeccably so. It is Keith's story that I was suspicious of. Peltier certainly made a transparent red like that. The dark spots in the light green look like a newer glass, but who knows ? Anything is possible. I do apologise if you thought I was disparaging anything that you said.
  16. Who could forget those ? They are beautiful with an extraordinary and complicated pattern that would be most difficult to make today. I believe in those much easier than this confetti marble.
  17. Art, I don't think there was any kind of conspiracy, and I don't agree with that comment by Galen in this instance. I meant no disrespect. I simply believe that Keith may have been mistaken about where he got those two marbles, and that he may have gotten them later. They may have even been made at Peltier, but I'm not convinced that Sellers was involved. Keith was born in 1935. He was five in 1940. It must have been the mid 40's when he remembers his dad or step-dad bringing home handfulls of comics, and yet, supposedly, according to the records, at the end of 1937, all of the remaining comics in bins were "junked." Yes, it is possible that they were only put in a barrel in storage somewhere, but something doesn't sound right. Maybe they were made in the "marine crystals" period. I don't know, but I should be allowed my opinion. mike
  18. Hell, anybody could make up this story, and despite the provenance, we don't have to believe it. I'm 61 years old. There is very little that I remember clearly from when I was seven years old. Keith Rorem was 65 when he brought those marbles to the show in Ottawa, and he could possibly have been confused about them. Those marbles just look like the 1980's or 1990's to me, not vintage.
  19. Thank you, Edna. I like them, too. bo.....Is it only the translucent white that has that texture ? I don't know anything about CLR, was the marble dug ? Some colors of glass, like flint glass and black and others, react more with stuff in the ground, and they are more likely to turn iridescent, and sometimes that can etch the surface; but I don't think I have any that look quite like that. The "Glassonix" marbles, according to the records, sound more like multi-colors; but some have color combinations that I'm not aware of. The inventory page of them is somewhere in Steph's Study Hall.
  20. Yep, that ol' Arnold Fiedler had a lot of Peltier knowledge when he went to Christensen !
  21. That is the box I was referring to earlier, and they all look Peltier to me. The marbles aren't all in the right places, and there is no milkie, and the ones to the right look carnelianish, with no grey, though. Great box, whatever they are. I think the parts to Craig's box; the box, inserts, and container; are listed on the 3rd page of the inventory papers shown earlier in this thread. mike
  22. Thank you Stephanie ! The first four might be only cerise onyx or cerise agates. In the last picture I think the marble in the middle of the bottom row is intertesting.
  23. Boy, I wish. I spoke with Gino this morning, and he said he read that description somewhere, but he hasn't seen one in person. I dug a few that look similar to that description, but I am unable to post pictures here with my new computer, maybe Stephanie can help me....just a sec....
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