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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by migbar

  1. Those are mighty tasty, Stephanie. Galen, that comparison doesn't quite hold up. The new Jabo's are not replicas of any particular vintage marbles, they are distinctive and original. mike
  2. Thank you Marie, Dani, and firepants ! mike
  3. Ain't nothing better than working around hot and dirty holes. Hey, happy birthday, there, Steve ! mike
  4. Many of that type have fractures. That looks like a good one. mike
  5. Some messy diaper foldarolls, #2430 #2433 #2435 A few Nottmiller Exotics, #2422 #2423 and some regular folded ribbons #2426 #2431 #2436 #2437 Thank you for looking, mike b.
  6. My guess is Dani, Windy, and Jo. mike b.
  7. Sorry I'm late. I made a few autumny Nottmiller Exotics Sunday. thanks, mike b.
  8. Thank you so much for the kind gesture ladies, but I have nobody to watch the grandsons, so I can't go after all, anyways. Awwww... thank you, thank you, mike b.
  9. Darn Libra's, always forcing their fair and peaceful ways on folks. See, Sue ? I can be really trying, too. mike
  10. Happy the Birthday young lady ! mike
  11. Sue, I forgot to say thanks for saving my butt all those times, thanks ! mike
  12. Boy, do I feel stupid but I'm thankful to be able to learn so much in this thread. All this time, I wasn't aware that machine made marbles even HAD pontils. I was also blowed clean away to finally learn what cold rolls are. I've seen marbles made on a machine several times, and I was way wrong about them, apparently.
  13. Thank you Jo, Derrick, and Al ! mike b.
  14. Hey, Ann ! A pleasure, as always. Hiya, Sue ! mike
  15. That's what I'm thinking Dani, they're just "slag glass".
  16. I know more about stained glass than marbles, but going back to at least 1900 glass companies called their sheet glass of colored transparent mixed with white, slag glass, and most of the companies I'm aware of, made all their glass from batch, not scuzzy or recycled glass. Slag has a different definition when you're talking about metal foundries and manufacturing. I don't think it was that expensive to make simple slag sheet glass. I seem to remember that Peltier sent a whole case of amber slag glass to Canada in 1905 for $6.00, including shipping. (not sure of this) mike
  17. In sheet stained glass, "slag glass" refers to a sheet of glass that was a transparent color mixed with white, and apparently marble companies used the same terminology. I suspect that the non-feathering Peltier slags are not recognized as Peltiers. I posted some non- feathered Peltier slags in sweet Ann's thread on feathered slags a few weeks back, some may have been hand-gathered, though. mike
  18. Oh, thank you everybody, that means a lot to me, 'cause I'm old and all. I should mention, though, that I took those pictures in full sun at high noon, and they aren't that bright inside, by the light of the TV. For instance, the last one just looks black with faint red squiggles inside the house, and the others, more like little turd-nuggets.
  19. Thank you Bob. I found out I had them misnumbered, and 2268 is really 2347. The last one is a multi-aventurine Nottmiller, but it's too dark, and the goldstone all disappeared inside.
  20. Thanks a bunch ! I appreciate it. mike
  21. I made some more this weekend. Some of these have 15 or more colors. thank you for looking, mike barton #2340 #2341 #2342 #2343 #2344 #2347 #2349 #2350 #2351
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