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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by migbar

  1. That pleases me immeasurably, Ann, thanks !
  2. As long as Ann's not disgusted yet, I'm happy.
  3. Is going to pot really such a bad thing ? Dang, I can't do anything right.
  4. Shhhh....don't tell nobody, I try hard to foster this image. I have a reputation, you know.
  5. I'll just wait here. (Well, shoot. The above post was edited out, and now I look like a fool again.)
  6. Ann, I think a yellow base with transparent red ribbons is a ruby bee, don't it ?
  7. I never have either, but whatever sells, I guess.
  8. Well, thank you John. I must confess that some of what happens to make these patterns, is simply the result of very shaky hands. I'm gifted that way. (thanks a bunch !)
  9. Big bucks, for reals, Marie, I'm cereal. Most of my marbles are in the $15-$20 range. You can scope them out on my website, click on the "for sale" button at the top right, and then I have them in different categories on the sale page by size. Thank you, Marie, mike
  10. Happy the Birthday, Alan. Sorry about your birthday present. It caught on fire at the last moment. It was good. mike
  11. Good times, Bill. Thanks for the memories.
  12. Forgot these, slags, burnts, and zebra types (the ones in the "burnt" tray are less common)
  13. The first three ? It is a blue, the bright sun gives them a faint purplish cast, maybe. The color looks accurate to me, not much different than the last one in the next row down. The first two of those three are not so common, I suspect, kind of a muddy gray base semi-tracer type.
  14. and some more, as common as the dirt that covers them and some peewees
  15. Thanks Bill. I sure admire that one you showned in post #23. You know what one. You didn't dig that one, did you ? Talk about superb ! mike
  16. Sunsetty Some tracer types and some solid colors
  17. Thank you Fredt, Marie and Lou. Lou, the main difference is that Jabo's sell. mike
  18. Hey David, I seem to be rather self-depreciating, myself, these days. I don't know. It just happens. mike
  19. and for your convenience, you don't need no 50X loupe to see the bubbles in these babies. Thank you very much Edna, and Rick!, and David, and Steph. mike
  20. I made some more Nottmiller Exotics, too.
  21. I've been working on some new ones I call foldarolls. (Pronounced fawlderawls) They look easy, but of course, they're not, for me. thank you for looking, mike b.
  22. I'm glad you decided to stay, Marie. You do have friends here. Who cares what some jerk says. ( Confession deleted, but not denied. It was me. ) mike
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