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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by migbar

  1. This is a gorgeous book, Sami. Thank you very much !
  2. Nice day today, though, and no rain... some more red Peltiers... Howdy Little Lloyd !
  3. one more simple blue one... nice crow doorstop Lloyd...
  4. What it really needs, is a toast marble, on the side...
  5. and where do we send some house warming marbles, if that is permissible ?
  6. Hey Rick and Sami ! I'm pretty excited about this book, too. The pictures I've seen are incredible...
  7. I think Sellers' trip to Japan was in 1954...
  8. The early "Ketchup and Mustard", "Christmas Tree", "Rebel", "Golden Rebel", Liberty", and "Superman" marbles were called "Sunsets" by Peltier. I don't know about the "Blue Galaxy" marbles.
  9. I won't argue, but I have some blue sunsets, and it don't seem so strange to me, considering that most of the marbles shown in the recent "Akro or Peltier" thread by loanminnow, were the ones called Sunsets by Peltier...
  10. migbar


    Yes, very good timing, Bob...thanks !
  11. Extremely nice and valuable Peltiers...
  12. Yes, Bob, Lagunitas has a nice website, too....I'm going to try some Aunt Sally's next...
  13. Thanks Bob ! I don't drink, but one of my sons brought me a few Lagunitas Little Sumpin' beers a couple days ago, and they were quite tasty and most pleasant. Here's to you, Bob !!!
  14. I could certainly be wrong, but I had heard many years ago that glass makers would put a potato in the tank of glass to CAUSE the bubbles when making seedy glass. Disclaimer : I am naturally wrong under ordinary circumstances...
  15. Peltier burnt salmon golden rebel, a little beat up, but I like it anyways...
  16. It's not that bad, I've been here all my life, and the heat doesn't bother me, but I can't handle cold. Luckily, it doesn't get much below 28 here in the winter, and we get about 1/4" of snow once every fifty years, or so... ( I think Phoenix is where the real hot is...)
  17. It's been much better here the last few days. I don't think we even hit 90 today, but a week ago we had three days at 107 with no breeze, and that don't work. I have a fan in two rooms, never had an air conditioner...
  18. I made this guy because grandson Cayden likes raccoons. While working on him, I kept thinking of a marble enthusiast friend, and a great guy, who had a raccoon for a roommate, and sadly, died much too soon. Please say hello to Alan... ( Thank you to everybody who likes my animals....I forgot to mention that the grizzly and the raccoon are 11" from nose to rear, with five inches more for the raccoon's tail, which is made of leather. Stanley, the cat, is just over 12", plus tail.)
  19. Often, if the crease goes all the way around the equator of the marble, it is a double ingot marble, made of two smaller gobs.
  20. So, you're going to start out with the 15 color swirls, then, are you...?
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