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Everything posted by Marbles4Case

  1. So i just noticed that I was supposed to put this in the main chat room. oops!
  2. http://www.ebay.com/...sid=p4340.l2562 Take a look guys and girls. There are some fabtabulous handmade mibs slling here.
  3. yeah, i thought i remembered seeing this thread on here before i was just shocked to see it on yahoos main page...
  4. Look what i just found on yahoo cover page after logging into yahoo games. lol... http://games.yahoo.com/blogs/plugged-in/world-priciest-marbles-160110204.html
  5. OMG! You so should have waited... lol! If you need me to take it off your hands due to the high pricing of the store just let me know Nice deal...
  6. Agreed, all four posted are Onionskins.
  7. Looks like an unusual transitional to me. Nice Mib!
  8. Andrea, I could not have put it in better words than yours and absolutely understand your frustation. You nailed it with your post and I hope that some courtesy will be regained. Kevin.
  9. Okay, so now here is the question... What to call it... A hybrid Superman? Hybrid Spiderman? Cross Dresser?
  10. Yeah this is a pretty cool Mib! Nope, there isnt any transparency on this bad boy. Here is a couple different views, oops down below.
  11. This is where Spiderman meets Superman with aventurine!
  12. Hey Ron, This is certainly old and a Josephs Coat. It is pretty cool how the color bands don"t reach around the entire marble however I agree with you that it is not an End of Day. Nice Mib, Kevin.
  13. I think I might have misunderstood the situation at first. I thought you were originally saying that the books were over priced and that marbles arent worth what you read and i think it is more 50/50 depending on what you have and where you or to whom you sell it. I agree with your last statement though about ebay lowering a lot of the marbles. Anyway, i wouldnt sell my blue latticino for anything! Kevin
  14. I agree 100% about premium marbles regardless what their size is, it deserves special attention. In a way you made my point clearly. At book value a blue Latticino equates to approximately $60 to $175 at 1/2in. However we all know that if you have a blue lat this will never happen. So there for the marble is more then the book value, the same goes for naked ribbons which at book value are $35-45. Again, is this really what you will see at a show? everything is subjective. Some estimate values are too high and others are too low... Kevin.
  15. David, We are talking about antique handmades here not machine mades where just one tiny little scratch can drop the value. Even with "dings and hits" most of his marbles are well worth it. Yes, he has a few smaller mibs in there or even common one at that but we are talking about the average of the lot. You are right about one thing, a book cant put a price on most marbles because until it is in your hand it is just ink on a piece of paper (the same goes for Ebay). I was at the Vegas show where I was seeing peewee's (handmades) selling for hundreds of dollars. Now i would never pay that price but others will and i know for a fact that no price guide out there has 1/2in common swirls for that price but guess what, they sell... As far as the condition goes handmades are more lenient. I am not saying that a marble with multiple hit marks is going to grade mint but when you are talking about a 2in onionskin or swirl that is nice and wet but has a small half subsurface moon is going to degrade the marble down to near mint or place the value of the marble any less. Again, the value of the marble is just in the eye of the beholder.
  16. Thanks for the tribute especially since I had duty on Christmas day...
  17. Thanks for your help and everyones replies. Happy Thanksgiving!
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