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Everything posted by MarbleClueless

  1. All the auctions with good marbles seem to be "back" East. I thought this one looked worthy, too!! Marbles
  2. Edna, This just makes me sick! Are you still in Phoenix? I would very much like to see you. I met Bo during a very difficult period of my life. There is nothing like hard times for you to find out who your real friends are. It didn't take me long to determine my new friend Bo was a real friend. Bo was a good man. He went over and beyond to help me when I needed it most. I don't know what to say.
  3. I meant to include one from the "study hall". Not only pictures but word associations, too. I really appreciate the time Steph and others have worked to help me: CheckThisOne
  4. Nancy, Actually, it was one of your threads that inspired me to poke around some of the archives for such photos. Steph has been very diligent about creating/creating "collections". There is always so much to learn....sure helps when we can stumble through it together. At any rate, here are a couple I sort of lost myself in last night....I'm sure there are many more: Blackies Peltiers Of course I like getting my marbles out, taking the pictures (I swear I take 17 for every 1 I use), cropping/sizing, posting, and interaction with cool marble people. The actual identification is just the icing on the cake! Have fun!!!
  5. Hey, we must be on the same wavelength...I just added mine last night. I couldn't decide so I did a random selection. I think you selected better! Avatar today...no telling what we can be up to for tomorrow.... On a sad note, I had to have my Molly girl put to sleep this afternoon. I acquired her and her broken leg in 1997. The vet thought she was about a year old then. She developed Addison's disease shortly after that....She was a good dog and friend. I am going to miss her terribly. Suzie
  6. and luck would have it...I love this one as well!!!
  7. I know I'm late to the party but I love Cats. Hybrid Cats (and some non-Hybrid Cats) are my favorites! ...more in next post
  8. I love this one! I think this is one is rare. I can't seem to find another. The dark part of the marble looks black or maybe really dark brown at first glance but it is really transparent. On one side it appears to be an amber color but he other side a very dark green. Too bad I used such a hideous background for it....tried to crop it out of the pic but it was taking me longer than I wanted....(sorry)
  9. As much as I love these threads, they certainly are intimidating. All these wonderful marbles make mine seem so pale in comparison! However, I want to play, too! Peltiers are my favorite! ...more in next post...
  10. I realize that I'm not going to make any friends from this post, but I'm just calling them as I sees them. Hopefully you'll learn from your mistakes, and have much better luck with selling marbles in the future Contraire! I very much appreciate your feedback. Your points are well taken and true. I appreciate constructive criticism. I still stand the 2nd listing is not telling it the way it is. First, notice the difference in the pictures. The camera accurately captured the coloring in the stripes (which isn't as distinct to the naked eye). If his camera captured the color detail then it would have captured the same surface abrasions as mine. Something was manipulated for that to occur (marble polished/photo "enhanced"). There are a lot of other marbles I'd spend $30 on before that one. IMHO, it isn't a $30 marble in the condition it is in. If it isn't in the same condition it has been polished and should say so. Marble Alan had one sell for $50ish recently and has another current listing. In my opinion, if spending my dollars, either one of those are far more valuable then the one I sold. You are correct I should have stated it was a Christensen since my confidence level was very high that it was. I am overly cautious about misidentifying my listings. While I frequently post pictures for identification/discussions I am hesitant to rely on photo-identification. It seems to easy for a photo to look like something it is not (or vice versa). I have been very fortunate to have friends much more knowledgeable than I help me learn and give me examples for identification. The bottom line is I better not quit my day job! Plus, I should be cautious about speaking negatively about a "customer". After all, their bids did net me more money, too. At least I got all the whining and pouting out of my system. Maybe Steph can move my post to an appropriate corner. Thank you!! Suzie
  11. Now I really am jealous. The seller nearly doubled his money (assumming the buyer/seller are indeed one person). You can always make more money but you can't make more time. I suppose you can always make more friends but marble friends aren't so easy to come by. Happy New Year!!
  12. Maybe this post should be in the squabble area....please move if you would like. I recently sold this marble: What I sold As I mentioned in the listing...the camera saw more than my eyes noticed. However, camera or no the marble is not mint. It's a nice marble but it is not mint. I thought it was but I wasn't sure it was a Christensen (mainly because it wasn't like any of my Christensen I learned/use to ID). I find it hard to believe this isn't the same marble. I guess surface abrasion = naturally grainy appearance. What this guy sells Don't get me wrong it is a nice marble. Truth be told I was reluctant to sell it to start with. Maybe I'm just jealous I can't do listings like that. This is the first time I've seen (recognized) one of my marbles being resold. I have it on my watch list....
  13. I don't believe I have ever seen one but I would love to. I think I want one! Can you post picture?
  14. Recently I engaged in a bit of horse trading with Marble Connection member jormibnut. I came out like a Bandit. Of course, my attempt to even the score was met with same. When the dust settled...... The addition to my collection is certainly worth crowing about so I wanted to show off some! I just love my new box of bananas!!! I love the marbles & box. They are very special additions to my collection! Thank you!! Suzie
  15. Thank you, all! I can rest easier knowing I am not alone. I feared if I was missing it then no telling how many times I had missed it and not known! Mike, I'm with you...I wish some of my stuff would garner such interest! At least this seller started bidding low (.99), provided fairly decent photos, and said so much they said nothing about the lot. While not my style, I don't believe it to be dishonest or underhanded. Buyer beware. On the other hand, I wonder why so many "estate" buyers acquire marbles if they "know nothing about them". I typically don't buy things I "know nothing about". Well maybe I do but not because I'm going to try to profit from it...maybe a diy project from hell...but not for profit. Plus, some know nothing about them but price them way high and questionable photos. Shenanigans, I say! Yes, David, I consider the blue seeds a must have!! Thanks, Suzie
  16. Can someone share with me what the attraction is with this lot? I see some nice Marble Kings BUT I am apparently missing something. It's sort of like the vanity license plate everyone gets but me..... Estate Lot over 551 MIBs Cool....Eureka...if I'm not talented enough to make them I can just grow them!! Blue Marbles (seriously I do think those are cool)
  17. Wow...your Mom was great and organized! I helped my Mom and Dad move from their house of 30+ years in 2001 which is when I unearthed my childhood treasures. I told Mom it seemed the ONLY thing she hadn't saved was my contraband MAD Magazines she had confiscated. As I pointed out they might have been rather valuable. She replied...I loved reading those! I would have never put that together! My mom died on October 8th. I miss her a lot!
  18. lol..if you only knew....my mother saved EVERYTHING!! I come by that honestly, too!
  19. You mean they normally are not found with a drawer pull, bobble goose, Borsalino matches, bibles, and quilts? While I think they are great, I haven't exactly figured out the significance of the items, myself. At least I seem to come about my eccentricities honestly!
  20. Had I known I would have packaged some up for you last July/August here in the "Valley of Too Much Sun" Phoenix. Now we sort of like to keep it to ourselves....... I do however feel for you! I don't miss that white stuff one bit!!
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