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Everything posted by skycollect

  1. I have a traveling job and I happen to be working in Clarksburg, WV. I am staying over the weekend and I wanted to see the old Akro Agate water tower. Could anyone give me directions or some sort of an address I could plug into the GPS? Thanks
  2. Also I have this nice cork. I have had it for over 15 years and finally decided to get it polished too. It originally had mostly blue/red showing with just a trace of yellow. It had a killer twist and was wet mint except for a big chunk. It started at 5/8" and is now just a touch over 9/16". It sure is pretty!
  3. Just got these back. A nice orange ribbon lutz and a single ribbon! They were battered, but both turned out great. Still both over 3/4"
  4. hey that last pic has three mibs that look close to the same. They are all towards the bottom with blue green white. Do you know who made those? I really like the colors and patterns!
  5. Lots of Haters out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whew doggies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But thats what is great about America, we are all entitled to our opinions!
  6. Is that some green I see in the big marble at the 3:00 position? This group is amazing! My favorite is the big blue jasper looking thing. NICE!!!
  7. I am not a Christensen expert, but I trust the source of this one. It was sold last year by Morphy's so Brian E. would have identified it, and I bought it from Marble Alan on ebay and I trust his opinion. Regardless its a cool marble!!!
  8. For Valentines Day (just got it today) my girlfriend made me an unique gift. She works in the animal sciences dept at the University of Maryland and they were giving away old equipment and she took this old Vet X-ray box. She took pictures of my marbles and had them blown up and printed on special back-lit film at Kinkos. So now I have glowing 2' by 2' marbles on my wall!!!
  9. I got this marble off the bay a while back. I don't usually collect Christensen marbles, but could not pass this one up due to the colors and pattern. To the CA collectors out there is it a hard combo to find with the blue/mint green? Also I would like to start a thread with different S/O's, so lets see what ya got!!!
  10. Just got this one in the mail. Think its a little bit harder to find color combo for a lutz. I really like the shade of the blue!
  11. Ever since you showed me this marble in Amana, I have had dreams about it!
  12. Hello, this seems to be the third time the seller has posted this Yellow Popeye box on ebay. Does there seem to be anything wrong with it? The box and bag look good to me, but I dont do machine made marbles or boxes much for that matter. I would like to hear others opinions http://cgi.ebay.com/AKRO-AGATE-POPEYE-GIFT-SET-YELLOW-BOX_W0QQitemZ320633498201QQcategoryZ2573QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp5197.m7QQ_trkparmsZalgo%3DLVI%26itu%3DUCI%26otn%3D5%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D5817783110565413402
  13. Hello I just got a new display case at IKEA (it was only around $65) Took a few pictures of what I put in it...some machinemades and crackerjack prizes
  14. Would the Vitro eight-fingers be considered cats? I would like to see a photo of some of the different color combos they come in. The only two I have are small ones 9/16, one amber with white fingers, and one cobolt with white. Lets see whats out there!
  15. If you notice he is running one day auctions. Pretty odd.... just the day before he had some nice CAC's including a couple of flames that brought a few hundred bucks each. Must be hard up for some quick cash.....glad someone brought this to the attention of the marble community
  16. Here are my favorites. The first is a group of misc marbles all around 5/8" The second photo consists of shooter Ribbon cores. The third picture has my smaller ribbon cores (if you can't tell ribbon cores are my favorite style of marbles)
  17. Here is a ribbon latt that is half yellow and white. It is 1 1/2"
  18. That is awesome, my girlfriend is into wildlife reproduction and she thinks this is very funny. Nice Work, keep em going!
  19. I have been dealing with him for a long time and have had nothing but good things to say. He is an honest seller and a good person. I saw that lutz in hand at the marble show in Amana, and trust me it is AMAZING. Well thats my bit for the evening- skycollet
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