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Everything posted by skycollect

  1. you can fill the bottom of a sock with them and fight crime
  2. I am interested as well, we can have a good ole fashioned biddin war! Nice find!!!
  3. Greetings- My fiance is an avid antique marble collector and I desperately want to find a place where he can go take a class on making marbles. I live in the DC area and we would be willing to travel pretty far if necessary. Does anyone know where I could find something like this? Thanks! -Lindsey
  4. Just trying to learn here. I focus on hadmades, but am trying to learn more about CA marbles I find the first picture of this listing interesting, not sure how to describe it but here it goes, the little cross hatch marks on the seam: is this a common trait on CA marbles? Thanks for any info
  5. What do you CA collectors this of this one? http://www.ebay.com/itm/221067212050?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 never seen anything quite like it, but it looks pretty sweet!
  6. Fourth row from top, two marbles in the middle: Salamander and a green rebel?
  7. Here we have two tri-level latts. I just got one of these in the mail yesterday. As I was looking at my other marbles today I noticed that the red/white/blue bands in these two swirls look exactly the same! I would assume they probably came from the same place long ago. What do you all think? They are both 1 5/8" and mint!
  8. I would say its worth about $10, I will put a check in the mail next week. -Skyler
  9. Way out of my league here, but I will venture a guess of row 4 column 1,2 and 3 as well
  10. I got several large handmades for what I consider to be a pretty good price, will see when they come. But as usual the killer marbles brought killer money!
  11. 2 1/2 hours left, 47 bids!!!! $9,600 ..........Will be a fun one to watch at the end
  12. Very nice!!!! What are the sizes on these bad boys?
  13. What company??? really like the color!!!
  14. Duff, I was with ya. I was working in Woodbridge VA, my first quake, quite the experience!
  15. A nice group indeed, but $10,500...... you have got to be kidding me......... hope the buyer didnt get them with dreams of resale
  16. I think you may mean 10 twists. If you look at the pole view and count the spaces between the fins of the core, you would get the number of lobes. Nonetheless that is an amazing marble, I am always jealous of what you find. NICE ONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. that is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet wish I had bid more
  18. I am in the area already, will be there the whole week. See y'all there!!!
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