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Everything posted by kbobam

  1. This is going to be one of my 'Drunk Uncle' (favorite character from 'Saturday Night Live') posts. And I think we all generally agreed a while back that 'drug stores' are frequently kind of nuts, so I hope this makes sense. Being one of the lucky people alive today who are able to enjoy all the new high-tech innovations, I recently got not only a voice mail, but also an e-mail, informing me that my pharmacy order was 'ready' to be picked up. My 'order' was for three separate medications. When I got there, I was given only one. And informed that the other two didn't have any 'refills' left, and that my doctor hadn't yet gotten back to them to give them an 'okay' to refill them. Am I missing something? As far as I'm concerned, my order wasn't 'ready', and I was really ticked that I went twenty miles out of my way to pick it up and would have to make another trip to get the rest of it. I tried to politely explain to the young pharmacist there that I thought there might be a slight 'failure to communicate' flaw in the 'system', but he just didn't 'get' it at all. Am I really just a difficult old fart who doesn't understand how 'modern life' works? It's very frustrating sometimes. ( :
  2. Thanks for apparently not being irritated by my 'picking on you' a little in this discussion. ( : You know, your comment gave me a 'flashback' from long ago. I remembered being on a short vacation in Florida with my dad. The trip was for the purpose of visiting his parents. I think I was a snooty little bleep at the time and called them 'grandmother' and 'grandfather'. Like to think they loved me nevertheless. We had a rental car that I think was a '69 or '70 'Cougar'. I thought it was the most amazing and beautiful machine that I'd ever seen. 'Normal' people didn't own a car in New York City. And the idea of 'speed limit' signs that actually said '70 MPH' was just ridiculous. But here we were actually achieving that speed on those crazy long roads in this wonderful vehicle. At some point he told me that when you go into the 'Southern' states, it's actually 'the law' that all rental vehicles have air conditioning. I was very impressed that he actually 'knew' stuff like this, and figured that he must be one of the smartest guys in the world. Don't really know where I'm going with this. I guess the best thing to say is that I think all parents should make a point of 'being there' when they can, even if their time is limited. And pass on any knowledge they happen to think of at the time, even if it doesn't seem like much.
  3. Ha! Several interesting posts here! I like the successive fan idea. Has a 'vortex tube' ring to it. Space between the fans allows the expelled air from the first to lose heat in an upward direction before being further expelled from the second! Sclsu, why don't you go... oh never mind. And Ann. Hee-hee! It's Friday night, and there may be a small possibility that the lemonade I'm drinking has been sitting around a while and slightly 'turned'. So in at least 48 states, I'm not legally responsible for starting any 'trouble'. But you know, everyone, I'm just not completely sure that if went back in time a little bit that we might not find that Illinois Ann's claim to 'Southerninity' (Real word! I'm sure!) might not stack up against Wisconsin Steph's 'claim to same'! How will we decide this?! Cat fight? Jerry Springer? BOTH?!! (For those just tuning in... There's a lot of love and respect going on in our discussion group here. I'm just being silly for the fun of it!)
  4. Oh Steph..... (Let me add a few more 'sad pause' dots....................) Around 8:00 on Thursday night? You could have been watching 'The Astronaut Wives Club'! Although I'm just 'razzing' Steph about our different viewing priorities, I'd really like to recommend this show to those of you who might be willing to take a gamble on my personal opinion in spite of all the ridiculous things I've said here in the past. The show is brilliant. It's some of the best and most fun television I've seen in years. But if you decide to watch it, you absolutely have to make a point of starting with the first episode, and proceeding from there. Two reasons for this! One, it's important to have all the 'historical facts' occur in proper 'time sequence'. Also, my 'high' opinion of the show has nothing to do with it being 'high-brow'. It isn't. It definitely has at least a little 'soap-opera attitude' to it. So it's important to start at the beginning to understand exactly what later 'whispered comments' and 'subtle facial expressions' really mean! Hope you enjoy it if you decide to check it out. ( :
  5. I feel as though I must get a zirconia shooter. Ha! That would be a fun 'special concept' marble to have! Your 'density and legality' ideas have been very entertaining! But you (and many others) know how marbles can be. So even though your motives are pure, this could still be a 'slippery slope'. You could easily progress to absolutely needing to have a 'perfect diamond clearie'! Bet that one would really go over well with the wife!
  6. If there was ever a 'for no particular reason' photo, this is it. I just had a sudden urge to shoot something. These were labeled as 'washers' from June 2009. They might be peewees, but it's such a close call I'd need a micrometer. ( :
  7. And don't forget the classic saying "There's old in them thar hills!"
  8. Glad to see that you took my 'tongue in cheek' comment the right way. I talk a little funny sometimes. Another impressive piece of work! ( :
  9. Thanks, Dave! Never really had a 'handle' on these names. Although I'm sure 'subtle variation' distinction problems will always come up, seeing this well-done and 'clean-cut' graphic example was very important to me! ( :
  10. Wow! As is the case with many others, retirement has clearly left you completely insane! But when you're incredibly brilliant, this is a wonderful thing!
  11. Ha! Was just about to say something about that nice-looking avatar marble and ask for a closer look, but then I scrolled down and saw that you'd read my mind. ( :
  12. Eatonville! You've come to the right place, Rick! 'Eaton' is a very respected name around here! ( :
  13. Are there any 'woman' and 'girl' variations in this overall category? And how about some "Wonders" to complement the "Supers"?
  14. Ha! Sounds like you appreciate 'aesthetics' and 'technical stuff' at the same time! I'm that way, and to be honest, it's sometimes a problem. (Then again, there's little doubt that I worry about stuff more than I should.) It's just so easy to look at something nice-looking and wonder why it makes you feel happy. How much are you just 'letting yourself go' and appreciating it in a purely 'artsy-fartsy' way? And how much are you enjoying the intricate physical details of how this object came to be? Is either approach somehow more appropriate for any given situation? What's a proper 'balance'? As often happens, I'm starting to make my brain hurt, so I'm going to shut up. ( :
  15. Hey! I only just now noticed that they have Russian-style ravioli. Don't have the slightest idea what that is, but it sounds cool! Can I get that too?
  16. In case any of you get a sudden desire to take me to lunch at The Russian Tea Room, I figured it would be courteous to let you know ahead of time what I'll probably be ordering. (And thank you so much in advance for picking up the tab for lunch, train tickets, and cab fare!) Going to start off with the traditional borscht, because that just seems like the thing to do. Shouldn't that come with a dollop of sour cream? They're not mentioning it. Maybe it would be 'gauche' to ask for it. I don't know. We'll play it by ear. For the entrée, I'll have to have the Kobe burger. Never had one of those, and it's on my 'bucket list'. Geez, you don't think the fact that it's ground meat means they're required by law to cook it well-done, do you? That would be an abomination. If I can't get it extra-rare, forget it. I'll just skip it, and we can continue on to the vodka and caviar. What they're calling the 'Vodka and Caviar Tasting' sounds like a good idea. That'll get us warmed-up, and possibly give us a better idea of what we'll want to order for double-vodkas and 1 oz. caviar servings next. Dessert? Oh, thanks! But no. It would be too much, and I wouldn't want to take advantage of your generous and hospitable nature! http://www.russiantearoomnyc.com/menus/food/lunch-menu
  17. Aha! Thanks for the excellent 'mental picture'! ( :
  18. Originally I was approaching this with the idea of wondering whether a person could pick up different marbles of a given identical size and say with confidence "Oh yes. This one is definitely heavier than that one!" But you've both brought up some interesting points. Hadn't thought about lutz or other compounds that might be in some of them. And in practice, the idea that an almost unnoticeable increase in size could affect the weight significantly, could certainly cause a person to think that a marble is 'heavy for its size'. Was the one calculation actually 'off' on volume, or was it weight? I made an on-line effort to try to find weights for various glasses, and the figures that people were stating as 'fact' varied so wildly that it was just ridiculous.
  19. (response to sclsu) Hee-hee! Wouldn't it be great? You could just keep them all and feel pretty good about it. Or you could sell them for a buck each and get a ten-fold return on investment. The best approach to doing this would of course be the 'lunatic' advertising technique from a few decades ago. ♪How do I do it.... How do I do it.... Volume, volume.... TURN UP THE VOLUME! ♪ And as you can see, I'm COMPLETELY INSANE!!!!! (I'm a little embarrassed here. Hope it's not obvious that I'm more than halfway through the bottle of beer I allow myself on Saturday night.)
  20. Neat! Even though you've now 'enabled' me to need an additional marble. ( : As always, the prices are somehow entertaining and painful at the same time. Holy cow and omg. The prices for those gift boxes and mesh bags are per gross? A 'square' dozen? One hundred forty-four? So the #300 gift box of 96 various sized Moss Agates with buckskin bag will net you almost 14,000 marbles and 144 pouches for the exorbitant price of $70? I don't know whether to laugh or cry over this obvious highway robbery! And I'm probably having some sort of mental lapse about something obvious, but what does "Price per M. marbles" mean? Oh no, wait a second. No. No no no no no no no. Never mind. I don't want to know!
  21. Terrific! That's 'right out of nature' pure.
  22. Oooof. I think I'm going to regret this. But it's become clear that this photo that Steph posted that Galen posted has been eating away at my subconscious for a while. I personally have one (count 'em!) Moss Agate. It's the cherry and lemon-limey variation you see in row two of the salesman box. It's beautiful, and one of my favorites. I can't read the 'No. 0' etc. headings in the last two larger-size columns in the photo. Would someone please remind me what the actual maximum sizes are for these traditional 'number' classifications? I'd like to know where my 15/16 marble fits into the overall line-up. The potential 'regret' that I mentioned is because I've managed to overcome my 'collector' addiction instinct for many years now. But if you answer my question, I'm probably going to fall 'off the wagon' and decide that I absolutely have to have an example of every size available. So let it be on your head if you do! Of course, as we all know, I'm a little bit nuts. I'm sure no one else here has this sort of obsessive tendency.
  23. Was just reading a topic where a marble was described as 'extremely heavy for its size'. This got me wondering. The marble in question was approximately 2 inches in size, so how about we use that for a hypothetical question. If we took every two inch marble (or non-marble glass sphere) that's ever been made, and weighed them, just how much variation would there be?
  24. Byproducts? How could you suggest such a thing? Getting some free stuff sounds pretty good to me. They really weren't so bad. They just reminded me of the classic 'Duffy' signature quote. ( :
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